Cricket makes an appearance

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/Hi, so I'm back. I got tested for Covid today. If you've gotten tested, you know it hurts. What did I do while they stuck the thing up my nose? I LAUGHED. I'm very worried about my mental health.....who laughs while they're CRYING?!? I know no one asked for my rants so yeah. Also thanks for all the reads, comments, votes, and follows! I try to follow everyone back who follows me. So yeah, if you read the last chapter, you know I'm home so yeah. I listened to all of SIX today while I did homework. Not the soundtrack, the show. Dang, I forgot how many good lines it has! Anyway sorry for my full paragraph of rant. Now to the story!/


You wake up, you're home finally. You've only been gone what, 2 weeks?! Grabbing your key out of your bag you run and unlock the front door and take your backpack in. Inhaling you smell the scent of your home. Running up the stairs, you throw open the door to your room. You run and jump onto your bed. Hugging your giant teddy bear, you just lay there, for like 20 minutes straight. Eventually, you fall asleep, just glad to be home.

You wake up when a person hits you. Climbing out from your pillow you notice Kitty laying on you, looking to the door you see it open and a green blur running down the hallway towards your room. "Anne no running in the house!" you hear Jane scream at her. Anne launches herself towards your bed and lands right on your face. You mumble out "That's my face get off." Anne rolls off your face and onto Kitty. "Hey!" Kitty squeals, shoving Anne off of her and right back onto your face. You hear a shout from outside your room. You roll over enough to see Aragon and Cathy running down the hallway. "Move!" Anne yells and shoves you and Kitty to one side of the bed. Aragon and Cathy land right where you were laying. When they hit the bed, it made a weird noise. "What was that?" Jane yells from downstairs. "Nothing!" Anne yells back to her and then jumps off the bed, Kitty following her. "Um guys, you might want to look at this!" Kitty says, pointing to your bed. Getting out of bed, you come stand next to them. Your bed had scratched the floor. "It's fine," Aragon says. "Okay, guys, no one tells Jane," Cathy says, looking at everyone. "If you tell Jane I will.....stob your kneecaps backwards," Kitty says in a Kermit the Frog voice. Everyone laughs and then heads out of your room, with you following them.

Walking downstairs you spot the spinny couch. Yes you have a couch that spins. You speed walk towards it, not wanting to get yelled at by Jane. Sitting down, you start spinnig around and laughing like you're five. After almost making yourself vomit, you get up and walk into the foyer. You grab your suitcase and go to take it upstairs. As you walk up the stairs, you hear laughter. Turning the corner you see Anne trying to pull Kitty up the stairs on a suitcase. Kitty was laughing at how week Anne is. " me." Anne grunts out as she drags Kitty up the stairs. You laugh at them as you walk past to your room.

Going into your room you start to unpack. As you put away your clothes and stuff, you notice a hoodie in your closet. Walking over the the chair (you have a walk in closet with a chair and mini couch) you notice a guy's hoodie and a note.

Dear y/n,

I heard you're in Denver. Or were I guess, if you got my note and hoodie. April told me you were in the hospital, with some type of amenisa. I hope you got your memory back. I like you, y/n. More than a friend. Hearing that you were gone, and not knowing when you were coming back scared me. I hope you like me back. If you don't it's fine. And the hoodie is yours. You can not give it back. If you don't have feelings for me the same way I feel for you, that's fine. Still, wear the hoodie. If you ever feel lonely, put it on. I'm your friend, if you don't see potential in me for being anything else. The hoodie can remind, that you're never alone. Now the big statement. If you like me the way I like you, wear the hoodie and come to Phantom. I can't give you a date, since I don't know when you'll be back, but I'll be there. Come to the seats, OUR seats. Where we first became "kinda" friends as you put it. I'll be waiting, and if you don't show it's fine. Send April instead, to break my heart instead of you.



/Hey guys!!!! Cricket is back! You're home! What should Cricket's last name be? And will Jane find out about the floor? You'll find out soon. /

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