I'm officially scared for life after today.

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Walking back up to the room with Aragon you're lost in thought. "Y/N? Hello? Did you hear anything I said?" Aragon asks you. "Um, sorry I spaced out." You were thinking about how you were going to tell them that you remember everything. "I said that in a week you'll get to see screens again. Are you excited?" She asks. "Oh yeah, sure." You respond, you haven't really missed your phone. "That's good." Aragon says. As Aragon goes to unlock the hotel room door, Anne throws it open and runs and hugs you. "Hi Anne." You say, confused why Anne always randomly hugs you. "Hi y/n! Are you ready for the road trip?" Anne says, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Yeah I am." You respond. Aragon cuts in, "Anne why are you so hyper?" Anne calms down as she says that, almost scared. "I had a poptart." She confesses. "Hopefully you crash from your sugar high and sleep in the car." Aragon says, as she steps into the room. You giggle at that, Aragon is such a mom.

Walking into the room, you see a couple jackets on the chairs but other than that the hotel room was empty. "GUYS!" Anne yells and runs screaming into the living room. Following her, you see the couch out of place and everyone standing by it panting. "Did you guys move the couch?" Aragon asks, coming to stand next to you. "Well, we couldn't see under it so we moved it." Jane explains, somewhat out of breath. "I don't see anything." Kitty says. "Yeah you can put it back now." Anne adds. "On 3" Anna says, ready to lift. "1" everyone seems to mental prepare themselves. "2" Anne pulls out your phone, which she was put in charge of watching and starts to film. "3" Everyone strains to lift the couch, something you and April could easily lift by yourselves. "Come one guys!" Anne yells to encourage them. "You got this!" You add, trying not to laugh, everyone's struggling except Anna. Slowly they move the couch back to where it was. You spend most of the 3 minutes it takes them to move it gasping for air. You couldn't seem to catch your breath, you were laughing too hard. Aragon frowns at you, and with her scowl, you're finally able to stop laughing.

/Guys I'm in health and we're talking about the reproductive system. PLEASE HELP/

"Okay, well we need to go. Hopefully we can get home tonight." Aragon says, throwing Anne's coat to her. Everyone grabs their coats and you head down to the cars. "Queens in this car!" Aragon says as she climbs in the passenger seat. Cathy and Anna climb into the back row. Jane climbs in the driver seat. Noticing everyone has a spot already that's "theirs" you have no idea where you'll sit. Anne climbs behind Aragon, because she's short and doesn't need as much leg room. "Get in y/n!" Kitty says and shoves you into the car. Now you're stuck in the middle of Anne and Kitty, not a good place to be. "Who road trip!" Jane cheers from her place in the driver seat, trying to make someone laugh, and fails.

Glancing behind you, you see Anna and Cathy already have headphones in. Anne is on your phone and Kitty are both looking out the window. Aragon is looking at Google maps and giving Jane directions. You don't have your phone, Anne does, so that's out. Leaning your head back against the seat, you settle in for a long ride.

/Hi, sorry it's short, but health class still has me a little shaken, so yeah. Hope you enjoyed and had a have a good day, or urm, night!/

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