🤢 Amarshing, just Amarshing. 🤮

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/so because all of my images are on my laptop, you won't be getting pics any more. Sorry. Also writing on a iPad is way harder than a laptop 😔 It's going to take me a lot longer to write because of this. Sorry! I don't have a lot of time to write, so that goes into play as well. Thanks to everyone who's voted and commented, etc. I'm amazed at where everyone is from! Okay that's enough from me right? I'll start on the story./

Turns out you fell asleep on the 20 minute drive to the hotel. "Get up y/n!" Anne says climbing over you to leave the car. "Sorry" you reply. You drag yourself out of the seat and stretch. Soon something hits your shin. "Ow!" You yell, pulling the item off your foot. "Sorry, but it's your stuff, so you have to carry it!" Kitty yells at you, as she jumps on the luggage cart. "Isn't that to carry stuff?" Abby asks as Anne begins pushing Kitty on it. "I think Abby's right guys," Sam adds, setting her bag on the cart. Kitty gets off the cart, giving you a death glare, like it's your fault she can't ride the cart. You just shrug, oh well. 

You walk into an amazing lobby, and try not to gasp in shock. Who the heck is Brittany's friend? "What room are we in again?" Abby asks, heading to the elevator. "Um let me look" Sam says pulling out her phone. "Room 334, according to Aragon, and she's there so it better be right!" Anne says reading over Sam's  shoulder. "Anne you have to stop doing that!" Kitty says dragging Anne over by her. "Sorry!" Anne says bounding alone by Kitty. Soon you find room 334. Sam nocks on the door and Anna opens it. "Hi!" She says. "Come see this amazing hotel room!" Andrea says, grabbing your arm and pulling you in. "Amarshing!" You say under your breath. "Amarshing?!?" Is that even a word?" Adriana laughs. "Oops," you add "Note to self, don't let any of your secrecy words slip again" you half whisper/mumble under your breathe. "Good luck with that!" Kitty says, shoving past you into the kitchen. 

You follow along behind her, walking into a kitchen that doesn't belong in a penthouse apartment, let alone a hotel room. "I think this is my favorite part of the room!" Brittany says, sitting at a giant island. "Me too," Abby says. You suddenly feel the urge to vomit, and run to, what seems like a bathroom. You open the door and barf into the tub. "Um, hi to you to Y/n." Jane says from where she stands in the shower. You cover your eyes and say, "omgarsh I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here...." you trail off. "It's fine, I' m just glad you didn't puke on the floor." Jane says laughing. "Okay, well I'm going to go find another bathroom" you say as you bump into the door. "Oops, okay I'm leaving now" you add as you open the door and leave a laughing Jane behind.

"Um Y/n are you all right? I thought I herd puking" Aragon says from where she sits on the bed. "Oh, I'm fine, sorry for completely bursting into your room like that" you say, blushing. "It's fine! I'm just glad you made it to the bathroom" Aragon says laughing. "Oh well, sorry. Where's the room I'll be in?" You ask "I need to find my bed and a bathroom that no one's using" "Oh it's over here," Aragon says leading you into another bedroom, with 3 queen beds. "Who am I sharing with, I don't want to keep them up all night" you ask. "Sam, and Cathy when she gets out" Aragon says. There's a knock on the door "come in!" Aragon calls. It's Sam. "You dropped this y/n" Sam says holding out your bag. "Oh thanks," you say setting it on a bed. 

Soon the urge to vomit hits again. You cover your mouth and look at Aragon. She sees the look on your faces and hurries to open the door. You rush to open the lid of the toilet and barf up everything that was in your stomach. When that's done you moan and sink to the floor. "Um, do you need anything y/n?" Sam asks. "Do you want a pillow?" Aragon says holding one out. "No, floors...so...cold...and nice" you mumble, spreading apart onto the tiles. "Okay," Sam says laughing. "We'll leave you with the floor then" Aragon says stepping out with Sam and shutting the door behind them. "Thanks" you mumble to an empty bathroom and sink into the floor. Soon you're out. 


/also, why did my brain set this up perfect for a BE MORE CHILL reference? Honestly who knows, it might happen. So if it does, you were warned./ 

"So um, what happened with y/n?"  Brittany asks from where she sits on the couch. "Yeah, what happened?" Anne adds, looking up from your phone, which for some reason she has. "She barfed all over the tub." Jane says. "And then she barfed again" Andrea adds. "How did you know that, you weren't even there!" Sam says. "She's not a quiet barfer, which is not her fault" Andrea says. "Your not wrong there" Aragon adds. "Oh well, we better keep an eye on her" Jane says, "We are her guardians" Anna adds.

/haha I'm a super quiet barfer, one time, in grade school I barfed in class and no one noticed for like 10 minutes. It probably would've been longer if I hadn't asked for a new math worksheet LOL. Anyways, do you like? I've had so many ideas bouncing in my head, I just haven't had a chance to write them for you. Also this is a lot longer than my other chapters, but I feel like, since you guys had to wait, I owed you. Anyways enjoy! I'll keep writing when I have time!/

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