Rescue mission?

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/Well did you, um, like the last chapter? And um ya, don't kill me/


Soon you come over a hill, it's like 8, and you can see the lights of Denver. "WOW, that's stunning," Kitty says staring in amazement. "It's Denver, it is stunning," Sam says. "Well, I've never been here before," You say. "SAME" All the queens in your car say. "We were," Brittany says speaking for both of them. "Ya we toured here" Sam adds /okay IDK if they were there but the plot needed them to have been there before so.../

Sam's phone rings and "Savage LOVE" Begins playing. She smiles sheepishly and then answers. 'Hi Aragon, yup. Okay.  Brittany do still have the number of the guy who owns the hotel?" Sam asks. "Yup! Why?"  Brittany asks. "Could you call him and see if he has any open rooms?" Sam asks. "Okay!" Brittany says and calls someone. Sam keeps talking with Aragon. Meanwhile your texting with April. 

APRIL: Do you want to go see Phantom tonight? We'd have to help with lights, but I mean we could do what we did last time.

YOU: You mean act out every single song overdramaticly and then bout died of laughter?

APRIL: Well ya. So can you come?

YOU: Can't in Denver.


YOU: Because it's last minute, but if I was home I would so go with you.

APRIL: So... why are you in Denver again?

YOU: TBH I really don't know.

APRIL: Well when you find out you have to tell me, I gtg bye!

YOU: Bye.

You glance up as Sam takes the off-ramp. "So, what's the plan now?" Kitty asks. "Brittany's trying to find us hotel rooms. Till then I guess we just play tourists till we have hotel rooms?" Sam asks. "YAS!" Anne and Kitty yell. "We should go to the Botanic Gardens," Anna says. "WHAT ARE THOSE?!?" Kitty says. "A really cool garden," Anna says. "Cool, call Aragon, and tell her," Sam says. Anna calls Aragon and you head to the gardens.

/don't shoot me please/


After it was done, she curled up in a ball and cried. "We're going to eat at the rooftop cafe at 4 so be dressed and ready by then. There are clothes in your closet." Henry says and leaves. Cathy lays there and cries.  After crying for 20 minutes she was thinking. (I'm a piece of trash, the world would be better without me.) She grabs the phone and calls the front desk. "Hey I forget my razor, do you have extra ones?" Cathy asks. "Yes we do, what room are you?" "I'm room..." Cathy tells her the room number and about 3 minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Thanks," Cathy says opening the door and taking the razor. 

Cathy walks slowly to the bathroom, almost too calmly. She sits down on the counter and begins cutting....../oop I'm dead now aren't I?/


You're on your way back to the cars after seeing the amazing garden. Aragon's phone rings and her ringtone, Manic begins playing.

"Hello, this is Cathrine. Who is this?" Aragon asks. The person on the other end of the phone says something. Aragon's eyes widen. "What hospital?" Aragon asks. The person responds. "Okay so room 1522? At /random hospital name/ Yup we'll get there are soon as we can." Aragon says and hangs up. "Come on guys, to the car!" Aragon says and begins running to the car.

"WAIT, Aragon what happened?" Anne yells after her, before starting to run. Soon you all catch up to Aragon and she yells. "Cathy's in the hospital, something happened to her, she's stable. I'm her emegancy contact so they called me. We need to get there!" Aragon says as she jumps in the car. You all climb into the cars and speed towards the hospital. 

/soooooo? Um I'd say you could shoot me, but there's still more so./

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