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WARNING: Same as last chapter. Don't come at me please.

Dinner was done, Jane went to wake up Aragon, and check and Cathy and Y/N. She woke up Aragon "thanks" Aragon said and head out to the kitchen to help with whatever she could, feeling bad she slept through most of the prep. Jane heads upstairs to y/n's room. She knock lightly and opens the door. She sees you and Cathy asleep and snaps a photo. Jane then walks in and wakes Cathy. Cathy wakes up and looks over to see you still asleep. "What?" She whispers to Jane. "Dinner's almost ready, like less than 10 minutes." Jane explains quietly. "Okay but what about?" She motions towards you. "Um...wake her up after I leave and tell her dinner's ready?" Jane says "Okay" Cathy says. Jane turns and leaves the room quietly. 

Cathy lays there in thought, thinking about how even though she's know you less than a day how much she loves you. Her arm starts to hurt, you're asleep on it. She tries to pull it out from under you without waking you. She failed. Your awake, you glance around the room and then at Cathy. Your eyes widen in shock, then you remember what happened. "Sorry" you say hoarse. "It's fine y/n" Cathy says. "Dinners almost done, do you want to change?" She asks. "Yes'' you say. Cathy goes to leave but you stop her. "Can you stay? I just..don't want to be alone." You say embarrassed. Cathy nods and goes to look out the window.

You change into a Phantom of the Opera shirt you got when you went with friends

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You change into a Phantom of the Opera shirt you got when you went with friends. You run a brush through your hair. "Okay I'm ready" You say. Cathy turns and opens the door. You walk down stairs. *the pic above is everyone's faces, just envision them cooking in the kitchen* Everyone stares at you as you come downstairs. You walk to the fridge and grab your salad/meal for the evening. You grab a random dressing out of the fridge and go sit down. 

"Um what's that?" Anne asks as she sits down with her burger. You flip over the lid and read off "Low carb chicken salad, aka not that burger." You say as you eye her burger. "We did make one for you if you decide you don't want that." Anne says. "I might take you up on that." You say. "Why do you even eat that?" Howard asks. "Well 1 I have to, and 2 cause I have to." You say. Anna laughs "Really because if I don't eat things like this at home I gain a lot when I eat out of the house." You explain frowning. "It sucks, but it's worth it if you get MC Donald's every once in a while." 

Aragon sits down and everyone stops joking around. You sober and begin to eat your salad like it's the last food you'll ever have. "So y/n do you want to explain why we come here to find you having a full out panic attack?" Aragon asks, she knows she could have worded it better but she's still hurt from earlier. "Well" You say as you stir your salad around "I guess I was just having a hard time dealing with the fact my parents left. And I was having a cry session and then I herd you guys come in. I forget you were coming and somehow I convinced myself you were robbers breaking in and that you were gonna" You choke down a sob and continue, now crying. "that whoever was downstairs was gonna, *sob* rape me and then *sob* murder me and no one would no and..." You just stop talking and sob into your salad. Someone hugs you from behind you look and see it's Kitty, also crying. You push back from the table and run to your room. You go to your walk in closet and climb behind your dresser, into your hiding spot and break down. 


All the queens sit quietly. Kitty quietly sobbing. Aragon feeling bad for asking, Anne wanting to go check on you. Jane worrying about you, Kitty, and Aragon. Anna wanting to go to her room and talk to someone whose not in this mess, and Cathy wanting to go check on you. 

Kitty takes her plate and puts it in the sink. She goes to her room, your sister's, which she's sharing with Anne. She climbs into bed and cries herself to sleep. Anna, who had been secretly texting her sister under the table the whole time, gets a call from her sister. She tells the queens "Sorry but I have to take this" And walks to her room in the basement to tell her sister about all the crap that went down. Anne finishes her food.  And puts her plate in the sink and grabs Jane's who is also done. Aragon mumbles "I'll do the dishes since I didn't help cook" Jane and Anne head towards your room. Cathy remains staring at her burger, lost in thought. Aragon starts to clear the table, pausing when she comes to your salad, she feels even worse now. 

Jane and Anne reach your room. They quietly knock "Can we come in?" Jane asks. You try to quiet your sobs knowing someone's outside and you don't want to be found. You don't answer them. Anne shrugs and opens the door. Jane's shocked to not see you anywhere in your room. "Where is she?" Jane asks Anne. Anne hushes her and listens. She hears your cries, which your trying to quiet. "I think she's in there" Anne says motioning towards your closet. She opens your closet door. You know you've been found so you stop trying to muffle your cries. "Oh y/n" Jane says looking around. Anne leans over the dresser and looks down at you. "If you come out of there I'll give you a hug" She says. A hug sounds greats to you so you begin to climb out. You are about halfway out before Anne and Jane grab you and pull you out. "Sorry babe" Anne says and gives you a hug. Jane gives you a hug after Anne and tucks you in for bed. Jane leaves and comes back with Advil and a glass of water. "Thanks" You croak and take it. The last thing you see before you pass out are Anne and Jane's concerned faces.

After Anne and Jane are sure your asleep they leave. Anne heads to the master bedroom, her room when she's not staying with Kitty. She tells Jane goodnight and heads into her room. She decides to use the jets in the tub. She bathes and then climbs into bed. Glad how soft the pillows are compared to their motel rooms's. Jane heads downstairs to her basement bedroom. Anna's sitting on the couch on her phone. Jane waves goodnight and heads to bed.

 Anna finally gets off the phone with her sis. She looks at all the movies and decides she needs a movie night. She goes up stair to get snacks, failing to notice the snack counter behind her. Upstairs Aragon is scrubbing the crap out of the pans. "Wow chill Catherine, what did that pan ever do to you?" Anna asks. "I know I'm just so mad at myself. I messed up so bad with y/n, she probably hates me." Aragon rants. "I bet she's not mad" Anna says. "Anyways I'm going to watch a movie downstairs if you want to join me." "Maybe'' Aragon says. She finishes the dishes and decides a movie will be fun. She goes to your brother's old room and grabs one of her blankets and heads downstairs where the opening credits of The Lion King are playing. 

Cathy is sitting in your oldest sister's old room. She's just mindlessly schooling through TIK TOK when she hears you cry out. She gets up and rushes into your room. Your crying and mumbling "I don't want to be alone, don't leave me, nooo" Cathy hugs you and you calm down. You start to doze off but say "Don't leave" Cathy lays down next to you and you both doze off. 

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