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/Okay guys, I haven't written in like a week, but I'm going to now. Before I can write, I have a bit of news. I passed my driver's test! I can drive by myself now!!!!!!! Stay off the sidewalks people. So yeah that's super exciting. Also I'm supposed to be off book by the 15th so if anyone has really good ways to memorize lines, please tell me. I'm super bad at memorizing them, I always put it off. Oh and I hade my xmas concert so that's fun, We played "Fantasia" Which is basically "Carol of the Bells" If you know what that is. So yeah it was savage. Now I will write, and I have no idea what to write, but still. My dad says we're going hunting so it'll be a little bit till I get back here. Sorry guys!/

Turning around the corner towards your house, you notice the window you left open is shut. Slowly you make your way to the door, and notice Anne's face in the window. Instead of going through the front door, you punch in the code for the garage door, hoping to be able to sneak to your room before getting in trouble. Slowly you open the door and peek inside, no one's there. You open the door to your car and throw your phone, hoping that it won't get taken away. You grab a piece of gum and the open the door to the house.

/I started writing this a week ago and haven't looked at it since. I'm so sorry I take forever to update./

Walking inside you shut the door and see Anne. "Was that y/n?!" You hear Aragon yell out. Anne puts a finger to her lips and motions for you to go upstairs. As you start up the stairs Anne yells, "No just me!" At the top of the stairs you start down the hallway to your room. Just as your almost there, Kitty walks out of her room. Without even thinking she yells, "JANE I FOUND HER!" at the top of her lungs. Wow, note to self, don't tell Kitty secrets, she's a snitch. Jane soon walks out of YOUR bedroom, followed by Cathy, Anna, and Aragon. You push past Anna who's standing in the doorway, and grab your ipod. You push a random playlist, slam the door in Aragon's face, which was a bad idea, but you're mad so that doesn't matter. Then after pissing Aragon off even more you run back to your bed and bawl into your pillow.

You wake up on your tear stained pillow, the piece of gum stuck to your face and blood all over. Crap you forgot about your period, which usally starts really heavy. You've bleed through so many pairs of pants on the first day. Slowly you grab the paper towels that are on your desk, you keep them there for spills but they work for this as well. Slowly you try to mop up the blood, so it doen't drip on the floor. Luckly it didn't really get on the bed, so you won't have to wash that. Getting up you grab a pad, you bleed through tampons to quickly, there's no point in wearing them. You grab some undies, spandex, and Cricket's hoodie. Opening the door, you make sure no one's in the hallway and speed towards the bathroom. You think no one saw you. Shutting the door to the bathroom, you clean yourself up, and because cramps are awful, you run a bubble bath.

/lol, um.......................nothing to say, but feel free to murder me in the comments./


Y/n slammed the door right in Aragon's door, and then soon music begins to play, and if you listen closely, sobs. Slowly everyone makes their way down stairs, because now they get to be parents again. Y/n's punish was very minor, a day without her phone, but Aragon is definatly going to up that now. Soon all the queens are sitting around the table and the discuss your punishment. After they decide on your punishment, they all go their seprate ways. Cathy heads upstairs to her room, Anne and Kitty to watch a movie, Jane to the kitchen, Anna and Aragon, who knows. Cathy was sitting writing, when she hears the music shut off. Turning around in her chair, she can see the hallway. Yes, she witnesses you walk down the hallway, covered in blood. Cathy, being the amazing person she is, texts Jane for backup, and goes to make sure you're okay. Logic is not running through her head, she's worrying about wheter or not you cut yourself, she kind of forgets peroids are a thing for a minute. Jane bumps into Cathy at the bathroom door, which is unlocked, because you trust everyone. They go to open the door and,

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now