Welcome to my house

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THIS WEEK THE RENTERS ARE COMING! AHHHHHH! Half a week till your parents leave.

You have 1 more room to clean, the basement. And you have to make sure your parents get their room done. The next time you have time to clean is the weekend and the renters are stopping to drop off their stuff Tuesday. April wants you to go a musical with her but you don't have time. You decline and dive into cleaning. 

You grab boxes and head into the basement. You basically just have to clean random things out of the drawers and pick up the "man cave". You walk into one of the bedrooms and see your brother's Xbox controller. (he sold the Xbox why is this here?) You wonder. You decide to keep the controller on your shelf. Now you have to go through the drawers. The basement has the extra bedrooms, which for some reason people forget stuff in. You open the drawers, you find some gross looking toothpaste. (garbage) And a pair of socks. You take the men's socks to your dad's room. Looking around you grab the family photos that are on the dresser and take them to your room. 

Now the "Man cave" It's more like a den but that's what your dad calls it so whatever. You open the fridge there's a half drank Gatorade (ew) some mayo (also ew) And the toppings for ice cream You get ride of the Gatorade and the mayo, who wants those. You open the freezer, there's a bunch of Ice cream. None of them were opened so you decided to leave them. (who knows when your gonna have a movie night with the girls?) You open the cupboards there was the ingredients to make Puppy Chow in one cupboard. Then you get to the pop corn machine. There's popcorn in it (how long has that been there?!?) You dump in in the trash and clean in. Opening the cupboard above it you make sure there's more popcorn. There is. You go out to the couch. You grab all the wrappers that are on the table and toss them in the trash. You grab the vacuum and pull the cushions out of the couch. You vacuum up all the popcorn kernels and gunk out. You put the couch back together. The TV has a bunch of games and movies out so you go over and put them away. Now that's done. 

You walk over to clean the other guest room but nothing is messy in it. The bathrooms clean to. You go upstairs and get towels and such for the bathroom. You get Tide pods and bounce sheets for the laundry room. There now everything is done downstairs. You lay down on the couch and put on Disney+. You put on Hamilton and then you are passed out.

You wake up to your phone buzzing. Your Mom's calling. You hurry to answer "Hello?" "Y/N? Why haven't you texted me back?" She asks "Sorry I fell asleep..." you trail off. "Well that doesn't matter now. The renters will be there in an hour. They want a tour so they know what they can bring from their old house. Our rooms a mess. Could you please just put some stuff away, just our clothes not everything." "otay" You say "Thanks Y/n oh and Dad and I won't be there so just give them a tour and answer any questions." You mom says "Wait mom I've never met them before can't you do it?" You ask worriedly. "Nope I have to work, and these are the people you'll be living with so you better get used to them." She says and hangs up. (OMGARSH I have to give these people a tour of my house)

You go and clean your parents room, change, put on makeup and then your ready for them to get there. You sit in the kitchen texting April. Then the doorbell rings. You put on a firm face and go to open the door, trying not to show how nervous you are. You open the door and a girl with a really curly bob is standing there. "Um hi we're here to see the house we're renting next week?" She say "Oh ya come in" You say standing there, you've seen here before but you can't remember where. You back up and like 6 people come in. "Soooo your giving us a tour right?" Another girl asks "Ya I am do you want to see the bedrooms 1st or what?" "Why don't you just start upstairs and work down stairs?" The girl from before says nicely noticing I'm freaking out.

I lead them upstairs. "This is the master someone will be in here" I say showing them and then go to my eldest sister's room "Here's another bed room" I walk to my sisters room "This room has a trundle so there can be 2 people in here" (they're not even saying anything, this is freaking me out) I open the door to my brother's room "Um here's another room" I walk back downstairs "This is the living room, the kitchen, sun room, door to pool." "WAIT THERE'S A POOL?!?" Someone with a German sounding voice says. "yup there's a pool" I show them the rest of the house.  Then we come back up stairs. 

No one says anything for like 3 minutes. "So um I was wondering who you are? Do you know the owners or...?" The 1st girl asks. "Oh me? I live here..." you respond with a nervous giggle. "WAIT YOUR THE KID WE GET TO RAISE?" The German asks "I guess if you put it that way yes." you respond. "Sorry we didn't introduce ourselves, I'm Catherine of Aragon" The 1st girl says. "I'm Anne Boylen" (Wait that's the girl from dinner last week, I probably look like such a dork rn) "I'm Jane Seymour" (And that's the blond from dinner) "I'm Anna of Cleves" The German says "I'm Kathrine Howard" (That's the girl with pink hair!) "And I'm Catherine Parr, but you can call me Cathy" (WOW how did I get 6 mom's I'm gonna die...) "And you are?" Argon I think asks "OH my names y/n" "Nice to meet you y/n we better get going, see you next week" Argon says and leads the rest of them out the door. 

You sit down in the kitchen. April calls and asks how it went. You told her how you have basically 6 mom's now. She agrees that your gonna die. You say goodbye. Aragon's face is still bothering you, you've seen her face and herd her name somewhere. You pull up and Google her. OMGARSH YOUR NEW PARENTS ARE THE 6 WIVES OF HENRY THE VIII.

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