Poor Cathy

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/So how are you? Um, I was wondering, if you guys would, comment maybe? Tell me what you think and what you want to see. Can you guys do that? If you don't I won't have anyone be majorly harmed for at least 2 chapters, counting this one. Deal? Or no deal? I mean whatever, but if you commented I could follow you. Plus I NEED to know what you think. Anyways thx! Remember the deal!/

Cathy's POV:

Cathy wakes up in a hospital room. *Looks like one above* A nurse bustles in. "Where am I?" Cathy asks confused. "You're in the hospital sweetheart," The nurse says changing her IV. Then it all comes back to her. Cutting herself, bleeding all over, and then passing out. The nurse changes her IV. She starts to feel sleepy from the new medicine and eventually drifts off to sleep.


You're in Aragon's car and you're pretty sure she's speeding. Soon what should have taken 15 mins took 10. Aragon pulls up the car and you all get out to head inside. You walk into the hospital and go to the 5th floor. Aragon tells you to wait in the waiting room while she goes to the front desk. You take a seat and Sam, Brittany, Adriana, Andrea, and Abby sit by you. /2 Anna's are too confusing so there's only Cleves/ The other queens sit down a couple of chairs away from you. Jane was crying. Aragon comes over to you. "She's asleep but we can go in. Only 3 people at a time." It's decided that Jane, Aragon, and Anna can go. They head in.


Cathy wakes up to a soft knock on the door. It opens and there stands Aragon. Cathy sees her and starts crying. Aragon walks over and hugs her. Anna and Jane come. When Aragon's done hugging Cathy, Anna and Jane hug her. "What happened?" Anna asks. "Well, Henry kidnapped me and drugged me. I woke up here." Cathy says not mentioning the hotel, and such. "Oh, babe," Aragon says hugging her. They sit in silence for a few minutes till a nurse asks them to leave. Cathy watches them walk out, wondering why she didn't tell them the truth. She notices a remote and grabs it. She turns on the tv.

TV: Breaking news, Henry Eighth has been arrested, on charges of kidnapping and rape. The victim's name is not being realized.

She didn't tell anyone this. And the queens would have said something. Henry's being charged with a crime, that was committed against her, but no one knows. She hears the nurse coming and decides to ask her. The nurse walks in and before she can say anything Cathy bursts out "How did you know I was kidnaped and raped? I didn't tell anyone! Does my family know?!?'' a panicking Cathy says. "We knew that he kidnapped you. His assistant who found you told us that. With the state we found you in, we figured he did something. There was evidence by the bed, and you, that he raped you. We asked him and he didn't deny it. Now he's being charged." The nurse explains. "So they won't ever have to know?" Cathy asks. "Not unless you want them to," the nurse says and changes her IV. She feels the rush of meds and soon is out.


The queens come back into the room. "How was she?" Anne asks. "She had cuts over, and looked, like..." Aragon says trailing off. "Shattered." Jane finished. "But other than that she seems herself," Anna says "They should let you see her soon." Jane cuts in "It'll probably be when she wakes up though. As we were leaving they gave her a new IV." Aragon pulls out her phone, ''Here's a picture of her" It was silent, no one had anything to say. "So when can we see her?" Kitty asks. "Probably half an hour to 2 hours. They don't know." Jane says "It's a waiting game, you can only see her when she's awake. And Cathy is the only person who can control that." Aragon adds. "And she's drugged so that has some effect" Anna laughs.

"Okay well, I got a text from my friend at the hotel. He has rooms and we can stay free for 2 days." Brittany says. "Well after the next 3 go in we can head to the hotel, k?" Sam asks. All the adults nod. It seemed they forgot you are there. Heck, the person who had a panic attack literally not even a week ago! I wonder if anyone cares. I'm probably just a pain for them right now. They obviously want to focus on Cathy. You are getting in the way. If I could I would leave, or die, or just get out of the way.) you think. /THIS IS WHY YOU KEEP YOUR END OF THE DEAL PEOPLE, OR WE GONNA HAVE PEOPLE GET HURT/

In the end, it's agreed that after Brittanny, Andrea, and Adriana see Cathy they'll head to the hotel with Aragon, Anna, and Jane. The rest of them will come later in Sam's car.

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