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/Okay hi! I realize there might have been some misunderstanding in the last chapter and I'm sorry about that. Instead of changing it, I'm just going to leave it and keep writing. Also sorry for the long wait, I've been busy. If you guys want me to share my contine of the story "The Interlopers" Let me know. Because I will. I might even if no one asks me./

"Okay, so can we leave my room now or are we stuck here?" You ask from where you sit on your bed. "I believe we are stuck here till someone texts me." Sam says. "I'm bored," Anne complains, trying to grab the remote from Kitty. "NO!" Kitty yells, "IT'S SAY YES TO THE DRESS!" Brittany, Abby, and Andera are all on their phones, Anne was looking over Andera's shoulder, and making faces. "Anne stop reading over her shoulder." You say, laughing at the face she makes at you. You're not supposed to be watching TV, but you're not gonna point that out, because you haven't seen a screen in days. After one episode of "Say Yes To The Dress" and halfway through a second, Sam's phone dings. She picks it up and looks at it.

"We can leave, and apparently we're leaving later, so we're supposed to go pack." Sam says. With that sentence, everyone except Sam jumps up and leaves. You've been living out of your suitcase, so it's not like you have to pack. Standing up, you fold your blanket that Anna bought you while you were in the hospital. Sam's packing, but you're done. "I'm done!" You say, zipping up your bags and heading towards the door. "Tell Cathy to come pack if you see her!" Sam calls after you. Walking into the living room you set your bags on the cart and go to find Cathy.

Walking past the bathroom, you hear a sniffle. Who's crying? You wonder and open the door. Cathy's sitting in the tub, hugging her journal, and crying. "Hey Cathy." You say, and sit down next to her. "Hi, y/n" She says, trying to hide that she's crying. "I'm sorry I read your journal, if that's why you're crying." You say, feeling bad. "That's not why I'm crying." She says with a sniff. "Oh." You say, sitting back. After about 10 minutes of sitting there, you figure that you should say something. "Well, for what it's worth, I'm sorry for reading your journal. And if you want, I can help you pack. Because we're leaving later." You say as you stand up, offering your hand to help Cathy up. "That would be great." She says and smiles at you, taking your hand and leaving the bathroom.

On the way to your room, Aragon stops you. "Y/n are you packed already?" She asks. "Yeah why?" You respond, confused. "I need to talk to you." Oh crap, what did I do? You think Aragon somehow reads your thoughts. "Cathy you can go pack, Y/n's not in trouble." She says, basically dismissing Cathy. Well she was once a queen. "Come one Y/N we're gonna take this stuff to the car." Aragon says, grabbing the full luggage cart and pushing it out the door. "So, what did I do?" You ask, knowing that you had to do something. "Nothing, honest." Aragon says, pushing the button to the elevator. "Well, I guess you could've done it, just it's more your brain than YOU. If you understand what I'm saying." She says as she steps into the elevator. "You want to know if I remembered?" You say, following her, having figured it out. "Yes." Should you tell her? Maybe, you should tell everyone at once? It feels unfair to just tell Aragon. "No" You lie, right to Aragon's face. "Okay" She says, content with your answer.

You help Aragon put the first of bags in her car, and then head back for the second to put in Sam's. Before you head down with the second cart of bags Aragon yells. "Check all the drawers and under the beds. We don't want to forget anything!" And then you head down to the lobby. After loading the backs you walk back to the room, for probably the last time. "Whose car are you riding in?" Aragon asks. "Um, can all the people who live in my house ride in the same car?" You ask, planning to tell them on the drive home. "Sure," Aragon says, and bounds up the stairs.

/sorry for the long wait, as promised, here is your chapter/

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