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/Hi guys, so did you get all the musicals referenced in the last chapter? Like all the songs? I hope you liked it. I still need a last name for Cricket, so if you have an idea please tell me, because all the names I can come up with are super cringy. Thanks for all the reads, and I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it! Also I've been listening to so many cast recordings and I've been having a great time. Anyways, I'm going to write now, oh and sorry for the really long chapter!/

When you wake up, you notice Cathy next you, who stole your blanket. Glancing around you notice your phone. Picking it up, you notice you finally made it all the way through your playlist, you've never done that before. It's 9 o'clock, which it's amazing you slept that long. Remembering Cathy's bags under her eyes, you leave her asleep and quietly leave the room. You're coming out of the bathroom, when you run right into Aragon. Luckly she's half asleep and mumbles an apology and walks past you into the bathroom. Whew that was close, you barely avoided a diaster. Slowly you make your way downstairs, planning to get food, and mentaly prepare yourself.

As you walk into the kitchen, you eyes land on Jane. Quickly you turn around, hoping to escape before she sees you. You fail. "Y/n, come back here right now." Jane says. You turn around and sit down at the island, in front of where she was making omlets. She glances up with you as she cracks eggs, "What do you want in your omlet?" Jane asks. "Um, cheese, ham, green onions, mushrooms, olives, whatever really, I don't care." You ramble off, wondering why you haven't gotten yelled at. Soon your omlet is done. Jane grabs her omlet and comes to sit next to you. It's very akward as you start to eat your omlet. Jane's not eating her's, just sitting there silently, probably planning how she's going to yell at you.

"Y/n, I'm not going to yell at you, because that's what Aragon will do, and I'm trying to be nice." Jane says with a laugh. "Okay" You respond, choosing to look at your food and not at Jane. "I understand why you hid." She continues, which is shocking words to hear. "Really?" You ask, cutting her off. "Well of course, I hide when I cry to, I think most people do." She says laughing at herself. Slowly you take a bite of omlet, still looking at her like she's insane for understanding. You hear a creak and whip your head around to where Anna stands, trying to slowly open the fridge. When she notices you and Jane see her, she freezes. "Anna, what are you doing?" Jane asks her. "Trying to get a yogurt." Anna says, but her face was looking very SUS. You whisper quietly to your plate, "She was evesdropping" Jane hears you and says, "Thank you Captin Obvious. Now Anna, do you promise you won't tell anyone else what you heard." Anna imedetly responds, without even thinking about it, "Why should I do that!" Jane narrows her eyes and says, "I will tell Anne where you hid her Halloween Candy" Which is a huge threat, almost equal to launching a nuke. "Okay, yup I won't tell!" Anna says, taking a spoon with her yogurt and zooms out of the room. Jane turns her attetion back to you, "Now I sugest you finish your food and avoid Aragon till I've had a chance to talk her down. Otherwise she's going to blow her top at you." Jane says. "Thanks!" you say and put your dishes in the sink.

/Don't you love a little bit of shipping in here? I'm not going to make anything actually happen, but I can tease yall with some (insert ship names for Jane and Anna + Jane and Aragon) I can't remember the names, because I think there's like 3 diffrent ones. All I can remember is Arallyn and Parrlyn, and that's on a good day. Anyways someone who's smart shoud come up with a ship name for Cricket and you. Just relized that won't work, because you don't have a name but like still, do it. I might use one, you never know. Anyways, I live another day, my cat hasn't killed me yet. LOL/

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