Where's Cathy?

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*Sooooooo, hi? Um don't shoot me for what happens, just it's been to long since something scary has happened. Plus you know, I'm stuck in a room with myself. So.... I had the whole chapter done but it deleted. Sorry if it's trash, but I have to rewrite it so that sucks.*

TRIGGER WARNING: Mature content, if I write it here, it spoils everything. Just prepare yourself....

Cathy's POV:

They were sitting in the front row, when during Anna's scene, Cathy's phone buzzed. "One new message" She glanced around and opened it. There was a picture of you and the rest of  the queens watching the show. "If you want the people you know in this to live, you'll meet me outside the stage door after the show" Cathy glances around, then a picture of a hand on a pistol, comes through. "Okay, I'll have to get away from the group though. Easier said than done" She responds and goes back to watching the show.

After the show was over the queens went backstage. Soon Anne and Kitty were getting into trouble. Cathy backed down a hallway. She bumped into a pink haired girl, the one who played Howard. "Um hi? Can I help you? I'm Sam BTW" The girl, Samantha Pauly, says. "Hi I was wondering where the stage door is? I was told it was the only way out of here." Cathy says. "Continue down the hallway and take the next right, it's the 1st door" Sam says. "Thanks" Cathy says and rushes off.

Cathy follows Sam's directions and sure enough finds a door with "Stage Door" written on in. She grabs her phone and sends her location to you and the queens. She then turns on the recorder in case something goes wrong and steps out the door. /oop/ As soon as she steps out someone grabs her and drags her into a car. 

"Hello Cathy" A man with red hair and beard says. "Um hi? Who are you?" Cathy asks trying to figure out if she knows this man. "I know I look different but is it really that major that you don't even remember me? I lost weight, and was older when I knew you but I mean, come on?" "HENRY!" Cathy gasps. "Oh so you do remember me? Good." Henry says "I needed to tell you a couple things. 1st I want to apologize for what I jerk I was during our marriage." "Okay, I forgive you" Cathy says, there's no point holding on to things from a different live anyways. "And that Thomas is back, IDK where or what he looks like, but I wanted to warn you." Henry adds looking her over. "Thanks" Cathy says softly and shivers, not knowing if its from the thought of her ex or Henry eye raping her.

"Now I know we didn't always get along, but I'd like to remind you of the good times" Henry says, licking his lips. "Um no thanks." Cathy says, warning signs going off in her head. "You forget your in my car, babe." Henry says and motions for the driver to go. "And your mine now" He whispers as he covers Cathy's mouth with a rag. She feels whatever drug he put on it go into effect, as she drifts away into dream world. 


You walk to the other dressing room to look for Cathy. You knock and open the door to find Anne bugging, Andrea. "Um have you guys seen Cathy?" You ask. "Nope" Abby says. "Why do you ask?" Jane adds. "I can't find her, she's not in any of the dressing rooms." You say "We'll help!" Jane and Abby say. "Okay I'm going to check the stage" You say and walk to the stage. 

You get to the stage and look around. She's not there. (Why am I looking for the person who's responsible for me?) you wonder and sigh. "What's wrong?" Sam asks coming up behind you. "Oh hi Sam" you say spooked. "You scared me, I can't find Cathy, I thought I'd check out here." "I think I saw her. What's wrong, you look like your contemplating life decisions." Sam says concerned. "Oh well it's just weird, my life has changed so much the past couple weeks. I mean my parents are in Europe, and have forget about me. I have 6, basically strangers, living in my house and taking care of me. It's been hard, I mean when the queens showed up I was having a full blown panic attack. It's been kind of weird" You rant. "Well you can always talk to me y/n" Sam says and gives you her number. "Text me whenever, and if you want to hang with someone other than your 6 moms I'm down. Or if you have to do something and you think it's totally weird I'll come suffer with you" She adds. 

Jane and Abby walk in "She's not anywhere!" Jane says, worried. "Who?" Sam asks. "Cathy Parr." Abby says. "I bumped into her and she asked me where the stage door was. Maybe she wasn't feeling well?" Sam says. "well than she should have texted the group." Jane says and pulls out her phone. "Nope nothing" Jane says and glances around worried. "Here I'll check" you say. You open your phone and see that Cathy sent you her location. "She sent me her location, and she's not home. She's in a car going to, it looks like, Denver." You hear yourself say. Soon you put 2 and 2 together. "Somethings happened to Cathy!" You say right before fainting on to the stage. 

*So? Um can I live for at least another chapter? Maybe? Oh well I'll write the next one anyways*

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