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/so I renamed it, again. I don't think anyone else has this name though, so I shouldn't have to rename it again right?/

You wake up feeling like crap, and freezing cold. You go to open the door but the motion of standing up makes you feel the urge to vomit again. You throw your head over the edge of the tub and dry heave, mostly spit. "Ugh" you moan, and lay on the floor wedged between the tub and toilet, feeling like your going to die. To tired to even call out for someone, even though you just took a nap. You decide that your going to rest your eyes for a moment......

You wake up to the door opening, it's Sam and Aragon. "Um hi, sorry if we woke you up" Argon says. "It's fine" you say as you attempt to unwedge yourself. "Do you need help?" Sam asks walking over. "Sure, not sure how I got here, but I need help getting out," you add, stuck. Sam and Aragon grab your arms and pull you out. Your legs, having fallen asleep, give out. Sam catches you as your legs head towards the group. "Whoops!" Sam says. "It seems my legs have fallen asleep" you observe, completely out of it. "Ya, I think so." Aragon adds "Why don't you come lay on the couch while we eat and then we can watch a movie?" "Sure, but just to warn you I'll probably fall asleep" you say. "It's fine y/n your sick we understand. Pretty sure we've all been sick before" Sam says with a laugh. "Well ya but I still feel bad." You say as Aragon and Sam help you to the couch.

You half drag yourself into the corner of the couch, "I'll be fine here, go eat" you say pulling a blanket towards you. Aragon and Sam head to the kitchen. Out of the blanket falls your phone. You turn it on and see all the texts from April. You text to the group #sick, I will talk to you all again when my guts have decided it's okay to be inside of me. And then shut your phone off. 

You wake up to someone shoving your legs over. "Stop hogging the whole couch, y/n, there's more than you!" Anne says sitting next to you. Sam sits on your other side. "Hi" she says. "Hi," You reply as you snuggle back under your blanket. "We're going to watch Marry Poppins Return's, if that's fine with everyone here?" Jane asks. "Yup! Now put it in!" Anna half yells at her.  "Okay jesh" Aragon says putting in the movie and hitting play. You make it to the part where Mary Poppins is caught on the kite before you begin to feel sleepy. Soon your completely asleep, and no one notices. During "Trip a little light fantastic" you role over and put your head on Sam's shoulder. "Um, what do I do?" Sam asks Abby who's sitting next to her. "Aw, just let her sleep, it's not like she's hurting you." Abby says and snaps a picture. /just thought I'd let you know that Mary Poppins Returns, was the 1st time I'd ever herd of Lin, I haven't seen Hamilton yet, but it looks to be amazing. NO SPOILERS PLEASE!/ 

Soon the movie is over. You wake up being carried, which freaks you out. "Chill y/n it's just me and Sam" Aragon says as she carries you to your room and sets you on the bed. "Here, and you know the bathroom is right there, okay?" Aragon asks, as you snuggle into the pillows. "Mhmm" you mumble from underneath the pillows. "Okay, come get me if you need me, if you don't I'll see you in the morning." Aragon says and leaves. "Okay y/n I'm going to shower than go to bed, I'll leave the door unlocked in case you need to barf." Sam says. "Mhmm" you respond, almost asleep again. "Bye" Sam says, you hear the shower turn on and then you're out.

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