Notebook Jenga

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After you finish helping Anne you head downstairs to where your pancake is waiting. As you sit and eat your pancake you listen to Jane and Aragon discus the days events. "I think we probably should take y/n back to school shopping." Jane suggests. "Can we come to?" Anna asks from the couch. "I don't see why not." Aragon sighs, "Everyone get ready, we're leaving in half an hour!" Grabbing a pair of running shorts, and last year's volley ball shirt you run to the bathroom to change. Putting on your makeup and pulling your hair up into a ponytail, you're ready with 10 minutes to spare. Strolling downstairs you plop onto the couch and pull out your phone. Scrolling through Instagram, you come across a picture of Cricket. This whole situation is a mess, but being who you are, you're not gonna deal with it until you have to. 

When you get to the store, you realize it was a bad idea that everyone came. It's only going to take you like 15 minutes to get all your stuff. "Hey I'm gonna go grab my stuff, I'll come find you later okay?" You says as you start walking to the school supplies. "Hey wait for us!" Anne yells, dragging Kitty and Cathy with her. "You don't have to come with me you know?" You ask as Anne catches up. "We know, but I'd rather look at school stuff than clothes with Jane!" Kitty complains, while you find the aisle with the school supplies. "Any specific item that we can hunt down for you Y/n?" Cathy asks, trying to be helpful. "Yeah actually there are these BIC pencils that I love. They aren't like the normal tiny ones, so they're harder to break. Do you think you could look for those?" Honestly those pencils are your favorite thing about school. Plus Cricket always likes to borrow one, and it gives you a reason to talk to him. "Okay! Come on Anne!" Kitty says and sets off to find the pencils. Grabbing a binder, notebook paper, and a couple folders you're almost done. Strolling over to the pens you grab some cute ones, and a pack of lead for your pencils. As you turn to find the girls, your eyes catch the pencils, hanging by the calculators. Grabbing 3 packs you set off to find the girls. "What are you doing?" Anne has a locker shelf on her head, while Kitty balances notebooks on top of it. "Cathy and I are gonna play Jenga, and we needed a table." Kitty says as she balances the last notebook on Anne's head. "Why did I get roped into this!" Cathy says, "Did you ever find the pencils?" Glancing at Anne you say, "Yeah I did and we can go find Jane now. Maybe you should take those off Anne, Kitty?" Anne's a little squished under the notebooks. With a sigh Kitty puts the notebooks back on the shelf, and helps Anne up.

When you finally find Aragon, Kitty and Anne have already filled the rest of the cart with things they want. "Why do you have a slip and slide?" Aragon asks, putting her face in her hands. "I told them we can just make our own, but they didn't listen to me." You shrug. "Look a solution, now why don't you go put it back. Along with..." Aragon starts listing items they can't get, but you're not listening, because out of the corner of your eye, you spot Cricket. Cricket holding hands with another girl and laughing. As a tear starts to fall from your eye, you turn around wipe it away and suddenly become very interested in finding Anna. "I'm going to find Anna. Call me when you're ready to leave." You say to Cathy and set off to get as far away from Cricket and his date as possible. 

After looking for like 10 minutes you find Anna digging through the cheap movie bin, in the back of the electronics section. "What are you doing?" You say as you sit down next to Anna. "Looking for a cringey RomCom. So far I've only found some Hallmark movies." She says, handing you a few movies. "Hmh F the Prom, sounds interesting.  A Wedding for Christmas, set at a Christmas tree farm. And Christmas With a Prince. I think these are all solid RomComs. Why don't you just get these?" You ask and set them down. "Okay if you think so then I will. Where's everyone else?" Anna asks as she helps you up. "Shopping still, and I'm bored." You say as you follow her out of the aisle. "Well hopefully these will motivate them to head home sooner, especially Jane." Anna says and holds up the movies. When you find Cathy Anna asks, "Are we about ready to go?" Cathy glances around. "As soon as Jane finishes trying on clothes yes." And with the finish of her sentence, Jane steps out of the dressing room with a stack of clothes. "Lets go check out." She says setting her stuff in the cart. "Here Cathy you guys go out to the car." Aragon says and hands Cathy the keys. "Lets go Gremlin." Cathy says and you head out to the car.

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