Yes, 2 parts in 1 day!

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You lay back on the bed, not able to understand anything. You lay back on the bed, suddenly grieving, though for what, you do not know. Soon the water works begin. (Why am I crying? I shouldn't be bawling.) You sit there crying but not knowing why. Soon the nurse from earlier opens the door to your room. "Oh y/n, why are you crying?" She asks sitting by you. "I don't.... know?" You say through sobs. "I just feel really sad, but for what I don't know." "Your brain knows something, but you can't remember it." She says. "Are you ready for more meds?" You look at her confused. "Um, I don't think that the 1st ones have worn off?" "They will soon. Do you want to lay down so I can put in your IV?" You lay down and she puts in your IV. Soon you feel the rush of meds. OFF TO DREAMLAND!


The queens sit in a waiting room, the last thing they heard was that you were in the children's hospital. The results from the CAT scan haven't come back yet. A doctor walks over to them. "Are you the guardians of Y/fn Y/ln?" He asks. "Yes, that's us." Aragon replies, waiting for the worst. "She has a major concussion, and amnesia. It appears she doesn't remember anything from Christmas till now." He says. "No," Sam gasps. Jane starts crying. "Thanks so much for telling us. When can we see her?" Brittany asks. "We're not sure, she doesn't remember you, so it might shock her. We don't know how she'll react. We're facetiming her parents later. We can ask what they want us to do. If that's okay with you?" He asks. "That would be great." Aragon says. The doctor makes a mark on his clipboard. "If y/n remembered you I bet she'd be so glad you were here." He says. "Thanks," Andrea says, as the doctor walks away.

"Are we going to tell Cathy?" Anne wonders out loud. "That's a good point," Kitty adds, looking at Aragon. "Well duh we're going to tell her." Anna says "Right?" Aragon glances at Jane. Jane nods at her. "Well I guess we should." Aragon finally says. "Let's go!" Anne says grabbing Sam's keys and sprinting for the door. "YOU CAN'T EVEN DRIVE ANNE!" Kitty screams running after her. "We better catch them before Anne hits something." Abby says pulling Aragon up. Soon the catch up to Anne and Kitty. Somehow Kitty got the keys from Anne and was holding the keys over her head. Anne, being short, was trying to get them, and failing. "It's not fair, I'm just short." She says spotting the queens and going over to Andrea. "I hate being short." She complains. "Kitty isn't even that much taller than you." Andrea says, laughing. "That's true." Kitty adds. They get in the cars and drive to the wing of the hospital Cathy's in.

They walk in and go to the front desk. "Hi, we're here to see Cathy Parr?" Aragon says. "Oh ya she's awake, do you know the room?" The lady asks. "Yup, we'll head down there!" Anne says skipping off. They follow Anne down the hall to Cathy's room. "HI CATHY!" Anne screams, jumping on her bed. "Um hi Anne," Cathy says, sliding over to make room for Anne. "Wait why are you all here? And where's y/n?" Jane tears up when she says your name, and Cathy knows something is wrong. "Wait, what happened?" Cathy says, thinking the worst. "She has a major concussion, amnesia, and is in the children's hospital." Aragon says, summing everything up. "Wait when did she get a concussion?" Cathy asks. "We think it's from when she fainted on the stage, after she figured out what happened to you." Sam says. "Crap, where is she! I need to talk to her!" Cathy says getting out of bed. "We haven't even seen her. They say she doesn't remember any of us. And that we might scare her." Jane says. "What crap! I'm going to see her!" Cathy says. "We can't, like they won't let us near her." Abby says. "Just stay here and rest babe" Anna says. They continue talking, all of them worrying about you, but pretending they're not.

Soon Aragon's phone rings. "It's y/n's doctor." She says and puts the phone on speaker. Everyone is silent. Cathy grabs Anne's hand. "Um hi, is this Catharine Aragon?" The lady on the other end of the phone asks. "It is. Who is this?" Aragon says. "That doesn't matter, I'm calling to tell you that there's an update on Y/n's condition." Everyone seems to become more intent, even though they already were. "Her parents said you'll be allowed to see her, but it has to be after she's off pain meds. They want her to not be under the influence of anything when she re-meets you. Okay?" The lady says. "How soon will that be?" Anne asks, impatient. "Well, probably 2 days, she's going to be doped up for the next 24 hours at least." She says. "Okay, will you contact us tomorrow and let us know for sure?" Jane asks. "I'll let you know a couple hours in advance before you can see her. Anything else?" She asks. "Nope, thanks so much for telling us. Have an amazing day!" Sam says. "You as well." The lady says and hangs up.


You wake up to a nurse lightly shaking you. "Um hi?" You say, sitting up. "Sorry y/n, but your parents are Facetiming in 15 minutes, and they need to talk to you. You need to put on some normal clothes and talk to them." She says and hands you this outfit:

"Thanks, where did you get this?" You say after you change. "Oh, some of the local kids do a program. They raise money and then pic out outfits for kids in the hospital, ages 3-19. It's nice, cause they're new and you get to keep it all." She says. "Wait, how do they afford that?" You asked, shocked, this was like a 100-dollar outfit, just with the belt, boots, and jeans alone. "They raise a LOT of money. I think the dropped of like 400 outfits ranging from $25-300 per outfit. The really expensive ones had Gucci, Supreme and stuff." She says. "Wow, that's amazing!" You say, shocked that people were so kind. "Yup, those teens are something. Oh here, you have to wear these while we're on the call. We don't want your brain exposed to the light from the screen." She says handing you weird sunglass like things. You slid them on, the lights dim a bit but nothing else really happens. Soon her phone rings. "And no don't change the subject, cause you're my favorite subject. Da de da dum...." It sings. "Haha, Hamilton, noice." You say as she answers. "Hi, Y/ns right here." She says passing the phone to you. "Hi mom, hi dad." You say, noticing your dad's wild beard thing and your mom's sun-bleached blond hair. They looked, like, 5 years younger. "Hi, y/n what happened?" Your mom asks shoving your dad out of the way. "I got a concussion, I don't recall how but, I have one." You say. "Oh well I'm glad your getting taken care of." She says sitting back, satisfied with your answer. "How's Europe?" You say, eager to change the subject. "It's good babe, we'll talk you later! Bye" they say hanging up. After that the nurse puts in your IV and you're out.

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now