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/HI GUYS. I'm vibing to Xmas music as I write this. I have no idea when you'll see this, but it's December 15th as I write this. No idea when I'll get it up. Is anyone doing anything fun for Christmas? Well I guess I should say the holidays. I'm staying home, because I'm boring, might get a present, who knows. I've gotten some presents for my family, still have to get my dad something though. I got my BFF April a really awesome hat, but she's doing online school so I'm not sure when I'll get it to her. I might drive to her house and yeet it at the door, I have no clue. We're kind of violent people........if you didn't guess that. Anyways I'm gonna write now....maybe or I'll get distracted by my music, who knows./


You're chilling in the tub, glad your cramps have finally calmed down, when you hear a scream. Sitting up, you see Jane and Cathy. Noticing your bloody clothes on the floor, Jane screamed. Realizing you're in the tub, like without clothes, you slide under the bubbles and become a pair of floating eyeballs and forehead. "UM HI!" You mumble into the bubbles. "What happened?!" Cathy asks, sounding like a very frazzled mom. "Ummmmm....." You trail off and slide farther into the bubbles, which makes you look even more SUS to them. "DID YOU CUT YOURSELF?!?" Jane yells out. "NO!" You scream out, why would you ever do that?! That's not something you would ever do, that's not okay. "Then where did this blood come from?!" Jane says very loudly. "Did you kill someone?" Anne says.

Wait Anne?! Sure enough Anne's standing in the bathroom door, looking very calm for once. "No I didn't kill anyone" You say, sinking lower into the tub and moaning. This is embarrassing, how did it end up here?! All the yelling has attracted Aragon to the door too, wow just great everyone is going to know you're on your period. "What happened?" Aragon asks. "That's what we're trying to figure out!" Jane screams at her. Dang this has gotten way out of control. Looking at Cathy you watch her face go red, and she turns to leave, realizing what actually happened, and how she overreacted. Your face is equally as red, except it's under the bubbles so you really can't see it. "Wait what? What happened Cathy?!" Jane says trying to understand. Cathy just leaves, knowing not to answer. Quietly you mumble out, "I'm on my period" With that Jane leaves, literally walks out of the room. Anne laughs and you have no idea what facial expression it even is that Aragon makes. Soon you're left alone, finally. With the door to the bathroom open, you can't even imagination leaving the nice, warm, bubble bath.


Anna's downstairs, chilling and talking to her sister, when she hears screaming. She says goodbye, and goes to investigate the source. As she heads upstairs she meets a red face Jane rushing to her room. "Jane..." Anna says, but Jane ignores her and walks around her. Without any idea what happened, Anne continues up the stairs. She meets a flustered Aragon and a laughing Anne. Again, she still has no idea what happened, but pushes on. Soon she walks upstairs and sees Cathy slam the door to her room, and hears a muffled scream. All the signs are pointing to something bad happening, so Anna prepares for the worst.

The only people she hasn't seen are Kitty and y/n. Anna walks to Kitty's room, and finds her watching a cringy Hallmark movie. Seeing Anna in the doorway Kitty pauses her show and says, "What it's good?!" in response to Anna's face. "Do you know why everyone is screaming?" Anna asks. "There was screaming? I wasn't really paying attention to you guys." Kitty says, pointing to her movie. "Wow Kitty, well I'm going to go talk to y/n, she might tell me what happened." Anna says and turns to leave. "Good luck!" Kitty yells to the closing door.

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