I am on fire 🔥

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/Wow almost 40 chapters, I can't. How the heck has this happened? Thanks for everyone whose read and commented and everything, it means so much to me. If there's another type of fan fic you want, tell me, and maybe I'll write it. I've seen a couple musicals, and had ideas but I've not done any. If I did another one I feel like I'd pic a favorite and one would be updated all the time and the other wouldn't. Anyways I shall write now./

Slowly you shut your door to your room. As you bluetooth your phone to your speaker, you hear a shout. Aragon. Knowing you don't want to hear what the fight is you push play on the "Off Broadway Bops" Playlist and lay down on your bed. Leaning back on to your pillow you feel your phone buzz. It's April. "I know you're home biotch, why didn't you tell me?" You laugh at her spelling of bi*ch and type a response, but instead of typing a real awnser you decide to spam lyrics. "The demon queen of highschool has decreed it" and laugh, April responds "I'm a dead girl walking, now awnser the question." Giving her a second to reread the text you wait. "OH! You ARE a dead girl walking, what did you do?" What exactly did you do? Nothing wrong techinally, but you're still in trouble. "May or may not have disappeard from my family...." reading the text back over you relazie your mistake, you called them family. Well, they really do feel like family. You smile happily at that thought, and wait for April's response. "Bibdy boopied BOOM. You're in trouble. Now tell me why you dissapeared, before you get your phone taken away." Quickly you respond, "Because I was crying cause I was hurt, and then actually cried because of Cricket." You can imagation April's face when she reads that, a look of confusing and anger. "WHAT DID CRICKET DO?!?!?!" She texts back, fast than should be possible. "He left me a really sweet note asking me out, now I hear someone coming, BYE!" you text back, you don't actually hear anything, you just don't want to talk to her about Cricket. "Bye biotch, lome you!" April responds. With a click you shut your phone off and lean back and listen to "Freeze Your Brain"

You're sitting and vibing to "Sincerly Me" when your phone rings, it's Anna. Because your phone is bluetoothed it goes right to your speaker. You hear Anna whisper, "Put yourself on mute y/n. I feel like you need to hear this, okay, now ssssshh." You do as Anna says, putting yourself on mute and listening intendly. "Hi Anna, nice of you to join us" You hear a toxic sounding Aragon say. Aragon's defintaly mad, and a mad Aragon is very scary. The line goes dead. Oop, what happened to Anna? Because you hung up your music starts "Last Midnight" Comes on, and honeslty it really could be the last midnight for you, the way you are. Queitly you wait for your fate to be decided for you.

/Okay guys, HI! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, I haven't had wifi. I'm listening to "I don't need your love" and I have something in my eyes. IDK but Six has really turned into a sob playlist tonight. So I just wanted to apoligize for all the mistakes, because it's not like I proof read. Also I'm amazed at all the reads this has, I can't get over it, it's amazing. I never thought anyone would like my writing, it's really bad anyway. And to the people who asked me where I got the idea for this story, it was a dream I had. Yup I had a dream and then started writing this. And no, I haven't wrote out the dream chapter yet, but maybe someday I will. Also, because I feel like there's not enough memes out there, I have a meme book. (that I am currently trying to get you to read) There's a buttload of six memes on there, also some Heathers and Disney, and idk what else. Because no one really seems to like my memes, I stoped making them. But you know, some of the other people in the fandom, could tell me if they're really bad or good or whatever. I might make more, Idk, and yes I really did just write this giant rant to try to get my word count up and give my brain time to figure out what the next paragraph is, LOL. Okay, maybe it's thought up an idea, I'll try to write now./

Tired of waiting you get an idea, you could go meet Cricket. Grabing your phone you relize a show starts in half an hour. Slowly you open your window to the ladder your brother put outside of it. You quickly send your brother a thank you for taking the fire saftey class in college and climb down the fire latter. Look at you, the perfect, well behaved child that never gets in trouble, sneaking out to meet a boy, that doesn't even know your coming to find him. Getting to the ground, you take off running in the direction of the theater. After you turn the corner you slow to a walk, and check your phone. Nothing but a notifaction from Pandora. Glancing behind you, you set your sights and don't look back

Divorced, Beheaded, parents to you! Six fanficWhere stories live. Discover now