Gold star for Cathy Parr

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/Okay, hey. So I talked to my mother last night, normal right? She asked me why I was always wanted to be on the iPad so much. I told her it was because my Laptop blocked Wattpad. She than asked what it was. I said that it was where I wrote my fanfic. She then got mad at me, because I made an account without asking her. She also said that she was going to be monitoring what I do on it. So if I disappear for a long time, that's why. My parents, but you know the struggles of being a teen. Anyways, less than a week till Hamilton comes out on DVD, unless the release date changed. I'm so excited, I had to work yesterday, so I have money to buy it. I haven't seen it cause my parents, ha-ha, won't let us have Disney plus. It's sad. Anyways super excited to see it! And own it!/

QUEENS POV (Also I's time skipped us to the next day, Cathy's getting out of hospital)

"Ugh, I hate waiting!" Anne says. "Same," Brittany says. "Here, now be quiet." Andrea says handing her unlocked phone to Anne. "YAY!" Anne says scrolling through Andrea's phone. They continue waiting, most of them on their phones. "I don't understand why Anne and I can't have phones." Kitty grumbles, pouting. "Because, 1 we can't trust Anne with a phone, and if you had one she would steal it, or you would lose it all the time." Jane says patting Kitty's arm. "She's not wrong there, look how many times Anne took y/n's phone." Sam says. Soon Cathy walks down the hall. Anne squeals and almost tackles her with a hug. "YAY! Now we can leave this awful place, finally!" She yells. It makes almost everyone around laugh. "I missed you to Anne." Cathy says hugging Anne back. They sign Cathy out and pile into the cars and head to the hotel.

YOU'S POV /bad grammar cause y not?/:

You wake up with a pounding headache. "Um, ow, can we shut the lights off?" You ask the nurse as you're almost blinded by the lights. /SMIRK I'm funny/ "Sure y/n, but they'll be turn on eventually, we can't have you living like a bat in here." She says. "I AM BATMAN." The doctor says as he sweeps into the room. "Sorry, I heard something about bats and couldn't resist." The doctor says noticing the nurses glare. "Anyways, how are you feeling y/n?" You shut your eyes, trying to pinpoint what exactly hurts. "I have a major headache, migraine even, and since that's screwing up how everything else feels, I'll just say that my whole-body hurts." The doctor laughs. "Well that's normal, any memories come back?" You search your brain for something. "Nope, sorry?" "It's fine y/n. You're going to have some visitors today, so you can't have pain meds till after they leave." He says. "Okay? Who are they?" You ask. "They're your guarding, the people taking care of you." "Oh, so do they know I don't know who they are?" "Yup, we told them. They still might hope you do though." He says. "Okay" Then you do your PT and then the doctor and nurse leave you in the dark alone.


The queens were chilling in the hotel, Cathy was asleep. Jane, Anna, Kitty, Andrea, Adrianna, and Sam were making lunch. Aragon was chilling on the couch when her phone rang. "Hello?" "Hi, this is y/n's nurse this was the number I was given for her guardian?" The nurse says. "Yes, I am her guardian." Aragon says back glancing at Abby who was sitting on the other side of the couch. "Okay cool, I was just going to let you know that you can see her today. She's in PT right now but when she's done you can come. She has a major migrate, and is a lot of pain." The nurse explains. "Okay we'll eat lunch then come." Aragon says. "I just want to clarify, now that she does not remember you. And unless your coming sparks something, which if it does, you'll need to leave. You'll all have to re-introduce yourselves to her. Make sure everyone in your group understands that. Okay?" "Yup. But you're saying if she remembers something we have to leave?" Aragon asks, confused. "Yes, when memories come back, it's very painful and scary for the person. That's why we ask friends and family to leave, it scares them, and makes it even scarier for the person it's happening to." She explains. "Okay, well, I better go get ready, I'll see you in a bit?" Aragon says. "Yup, bye!" The nurse says and hangs up. Aragon breaks the news to the queens, and they eat.


You're lying in your bed, feeling very bat like, when the nurse comes in. "Y/n, you need to get dressed. Your visitors are coming later." She says tossing clothes at you. "Okay." You say and put the clothes on:

"I love this show! I didn't even know I had this t-shirt!" You say as you look in the mirror. "I was told that you got it for your birthday from April." The nurse says reading off a notecard. "I'll have to tell her thank you, again!" You say spinning around. "Okay, you can do that when you go home. Whenever that is...." The nurse says trailing off. There's a knock on the door and another nurse pokes her head in and motions for your nurse to come out. "I'll be right back y/n. I think your guest might be here." She says and leaves the room.

You're waiting, sitting in the dark, wondering who your visitors are when the nurse comes in. "Okay y/n you ready?" She asks, ha-ha like you'll ever be ready. "I guess" You says, very sarcastic. She then flips the lights on. "Ah! I though you meant that the people were coming." You scream as you dive under the pillows. "Is it really that bad? I'm sorry y/n. Here." She says and hands you sunglasses. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. I need to keep my bat skills on high alert." You say as you slide them on. "Ha-ha, you really are to funny y/n. Your visitors are here, but the 1st ones are going to be just some of your family friends." The nurse explains. "Family friends?" "Well, they're very recent friends of yours. They'll be 1st, before your guardians. Okay?" She says. "Okay. I'm ready when you are." You say waiting for her to leave so the dang lights could go off. "I'll go get them. And y/n?" She says. "Yes?" You ask. "No shutting the lights off while I'm gone." "Dang it, how did you know!" You say. "I just do. I'll be right back with your guests." She says and leaves. "Bye!" you call after her.

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