Morning of Doom?

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You wake up the next morning, Cathy in your bed. What happened last night? All you can remember is having a major headache and crying a lot. Oh well. You pic up your phone. Text from April "Pancakes on me at IHop? I need the details about last night and your new moms!" You text back "I'll ask, IDK which mom though, I guess which ever's awake?" You jump out and grab an outfit out of the closet. Shirt below and ripped jeans.

You go to open the door and Cathy wakes up

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You go to open the door and Cathy wakes up. "Where are you going?" She asks confused. "Um downstairs" You say not sure if she'd say yes or no. ''Oh okay, I'm gonna shower and get dressed" She responds. "okay bye!" You say and speed walk downstairs. Aragon is in the pose above when you walk in. "Um hi" You say as you reach around her to grab your keys. "Where do you think your going?!" Aragon asks. "Um out with my friend for breakfast" You say not telling her that you hadn't asked, you planned to use the guilt card to get her to say yes but that ain't happening now. "Did you ask?" Aragon asks but you had butt dialed April and she called you back right as Aragon asks. "Bare Necessities" From the Jungle book begins playing. You grab your phone off the counter and answer. "Yes April, uh huh, I'm leaving right now. Yas...." You shoot Aragon a fake sorry look and walk out the door. 

When your in the car you tell April you'll meet her there. You pull out of the driveway, completely forgetting that your moms don't have your cell number yet. When you get to IHop you walk in and spot April. She smiles and waves you over. "I already ordered I got you the strawberry crepes" She says "Yum I'm starving I didn't finish my dinner last night." April looks at you concerned "What happened last night that made it so you didn't finish your dinner? You never pass up a meal unless your sick of something really bad happens. What happened?" "Um well" you begin sheepishly "They showed up while I was in the middle of having a panic attack...." "Your/nickname noooo!" April says shocked. "yup and then I hurt Aragon's feeling" you pause "and took a nap with Cathy" "which one is Cathy?" April asks on her phone. "did you seriously pull up pics of them? Wow, that one there, in the blue." "ohhh okay" April laughs "So ya then I went to dinner and got yelled at....and I made Kat cry. Then I went and hide in my hiding spot but Jane and Anne found me. And somehow I ended up in my bed with Cathy. It was a rough night." "So you ended up snuggling with your fake mom on the 1st night she's there?!?" April laughs "Ya basically" You reply "Wow y/nn" 

Your food comes, you both dig in. Laughing and talking about school in between bites. You then head to Target together to do what you call "Clearance Crap" where you go through the clearance items and try to find a deal. You find a cool Ipad case that was a deal and you buy it. You agree that it will be your shared gift to a friend for their bday. The whole time you and April have been joking around, and you lose track of time. Soon it's almost 11. You've been gone for almost 4 hours. April's mom calls and asks her to go pick something up. She invites you to ride along and then get lunch. You decline realizing you should probably go home. There were no messages from the queens, which is weird. 


The queens all get up and come downstairs where Aragon is cooking eggs and sausage. Kitty says "Where's y/n?" "Ya where is she, she said she was coming down here?" Cathy asks. "She told me she had breakfast plans. And now that I think about it when I asked her who told her she could she didn't answer me." Aragon says. /oop your in trouble/ "She said she'd be home by 9 though." Aragon says and they go back to eating. 

Soon it's 10 and Jane is worrying. "Where is she? y/n told Aragon she'd be back by now" "Jane chillllll she's a teen, she probably got sidetracked" Anna says. "I bet she's busy with whoever her breakfast date is." Anne states. "Well all I know is she's in trouble when she gets home" Aragon says "Because she didn't give anyone her number ether."


You pull up into your garage. You realize that your probably gonna get yelled at so you mentally prepare yourself before grabbing your bags. You walk in and see the queens sitting on the couch. You wince and set you bags down by the door. ''So I bet you want know where I was?" You ask sheepishly. "Yup, and we also want your cell number." Anna says. "I went to breakfast with April at IHop" "Who's April?" Jane asks. "Um she's my best friend, any other question this far?" "yes" kitty says "Do you have any IHOP leftovers?" "Sadly no" you laugh "then we went to Target and went Clearance Crapping." "What's that?" Cathy asks you explain Clearance Crap. "Then I realized it was almost 11, and checked my phone. I noticed I had no messages from any of you. And then I came home." you finish. "Thanks for telling us y/n" Aragon says. "Now you will still have a punishment but we'd like to discus it. Why don't you go to your room till one of us texts you? Okay?" "Okay" You says. Anne gives you a sympathetic look. You grab your bags and head to your room. 15 minutes later you get a text from Anna "Your sentence has been decided, please come to the court room" You giggle and go downstairs. "So y/n we decided on a punishment." Aragon says. Anna, Kitty, and Anne are smirking. "what is it you ask?" You have to spend the next 2 days with us, no alone time." Cathy says loudly. Well it could be worse, it also could be better, but whatever you'll make due.

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