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*Malcolm POV*

After we left the warehouse, I was still beyond mad. I wanted Sko head for even dreaming bout hurting lil sis. I could tell King was still pissed and it made me glad that he cared about Kai just as much as I did. Without her in this world I ain't got nobody.

"Call Junior and tell him it's done. We need Sko ass next." I demanded as I drove us back into town.

All I really wanted to do right now was make sure Kai was straight. I knew today must've traumatized the fuck outta her, but knowing her she'd never tell me or even let it seem like she was down bad. I just needed to find a way inside her head to make sure she was truly straight.

"Junior is moving on Sko right now. The meeting in twenty minutes." King reported.

I bussed a U-Turn and headed toward the neutral territory where we usually met to have meetings with rivals.

"Man, I'on know bout you but I want that nigga Sko head." King shook his head.

"Shit, you telling me! The day Junior let me end that nigga, it'll be a blessing." I shook my head.

"But nah what's the plan now, y'all can't go back home cause homie knew where y'alll lived, so what now." King asked loading his gun.

"After we handle Sko, I'm going back to Harling tomorrow, which I hate cause I damn sure don't wanna leave Kai after today but I asked Junior to leave you off this trip so I know somebody here looking after Kai personally." I replied.

"Man you sure, I ain't tryna get you rolled up on up there. Kai would burn the city down if something happened to you." King chuckled.

"I'll be straight Junior got more people up there and he coming up there too so I should be straight." I waved him off.

We pulled up to the meeting and there were cars parked everywhere. I spotted Junior's truck and pulled up next to him.

"What's the situation?" I asked.

"Sko is in the building. We bout to go in no guns but of course keep it strapped. Sko violated a lot of shit with what he pulled today so we gonna make sure that never happen again." Junior put a gun in his waist band.

We pulled up and parked behind Junior.

We all got out and headed toward the building as some of Sko's people patted us down. 

"We clean, let us through." King pushed past them, anger on his face.

Sko was sitting at a long table in the middle of the warehouse with some of his higher ups. The leader of the blue six eight's Smoke was sitting next to Sko.

"Good evening, gentleman." Smoke greeted us.

"Smoke, we have a problem." Junior was the first to speak.

"I'm aware. Sko jumped the gun and got himself into some things." Smoke waved it off.

"Jumped the gun?! He rolled on a seventeen year old girl with no weapons and shot at her as she drove to safety! Not to mention he was in neutral territory!" King shouted.

"And he apologizes for that. I feel we can get to common ground on this situation." Sko smirked.

I wanted to shoot this nigga dead where he sat.

"It's cool, a eye for a eye a tooth for a tooth." Junior stood up.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Smoke frowned.

"Exactly what it sounds like." Junior winked.

We walked out the door and went to our cars and headed back to our territory.

*Kai POV*

Junior and them had some mess to clear up so they relocated me to a house outside the city. There were goons all throughout the house except in my new room. I was putting all my clothes and shoes away and putting everything where it should go.

After Junior, King, and Malcolm left, I was driven to a house outside of the city. Me and Malcolm have to relocate now that Reggie was part of the blue six eight's. I really hoped he got what he deserved and Alec, Keem, and Syrus too if they knew Reggie was repping. I remembered I had to call Iaja and explain everything to her.

I turned on my laptop and called her on FaceTime since my phone was charging.

"Girl?! Are you okay?! I just heard the news!" Iaja exclaimed.

"I'm shaken but I'll be fine." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait but Reggie was part of it? Was it because of last night?" Iaja fired questions at me.

"Yeah it couldn't have been. He was snaking around way before last night. I'll be fine though, people seem to forget who I'm connected to." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just glad your ok. Have you talked to Keem and them to see what they know?" 

"No, I haven't talked to anyone except you about any of this. I don't wanna talk to them anyway cause there's no way they didn't know. You're all I got now, Iaja." I shook my head.

"Girl don't forget ya mans. It's gonna be ok, babes. If you want I can come over and just hang with you so you feel better." She offered.

"I know but friend wise, it's just you and maybe some other girls but I don' know yet. Thanks though, but they relocated me and Malcolm outside the city until everything calms down and I don't wanna drag you in my mess." I sighed.

"Alright boo call me if you need anything." Iaja smiled.

"Thanks, mamas." I smiled.

We hung up and I plopped down on my bed. Even though all this was going on the only person I really wanted to talk to was King. I really felt like before anybody he would understand me the most. Everybody thinks I'm this big tough person who isn't scared of anything but at the end of the day I could've died today and at the hands of somebody who was supposed to be my best friend.

I just wanna talk to my baby.

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