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We pulled up to the house and all the lights were on. I didn't know whether King wanted to talk about what just happened or if he just wanted to go inside and act like we were really out getting food. But I know I wanted to know why that just happened. 

I didn't have time to ask because before I knew it, he was already out of the car. 

I grabbed my bag and followed behind him as he opened the front door. 

"Ayo Malc!" He called out.

Malcolm came out the kitchen eating an orange.

"She wasn't no trouble was she?" Malcolm flicked my cheek.

"Nigga!" I punched him back in the arm mugging him.

"Nah. I just took her to get some food. Other than she was up in her room doing work. But uh Imma catch y'all later. Got some shit to tend to." He clapped Malcolm up.

"Bet that up. Thanks again man." Malcolm nodded.

Before he turned away to leave he looked at me.

"Remember what we talked about." He tapped the side of his forehead twice.

Nigga we did more than talk the hell is you talking about!

And with that he walked out the front door.

"What you and King talk about?" Malcolm questioned.

"Uh, sumn bout my behavior and being true to myself. Just some Ghandi type shit." I brushed it off.

"Yeah even though he act like he slow, that nigga always used to be on some higher intellectual shit. He smart, I can tell you that much." Malcolm started walking back to the living room, leaving me by the front door looking dumb.

I went up to my room and the fake me was on the floor along with my laptop. I took off my clothes and put on some pajamas. It was now midnight and all I wanted to do was talk to King. But I didn't even have his number and it would look sus if I asked Malcolm for it. 

What possible reason could I have for wanting King's number?

All I wanted to know was why we just kissed and now I just felt something towards him. I felt like I could talk to him for hours, just be with him for hours. Is this what it feels like to like someone?


I can't like King. He's Malcolm's best friend and he was 22 while I was only 17. Malcolm would flip and maybe even kill King. I couldn't do that to him. 

"Ay uhm I just wanna say I'm proud of you for not giving me a hard time about that party. I know you wanted to go and you didn't sneak over there or anything so I guess I'm proud." Malcolm burst into my room.

"You ever heard of knocking?" I questioned sarcastically.

"I'll knock when you pay some bills round here!" He exclaimed.

"Fine. But when you buss in here and I'm booty butt ass naked and you get a face full of ass I don't wanna hear it." I smirked.

Malcolm's smile dropped and he just shut the door making me laugh.

I put my phone on the charger and decided it was best if I just went to sleep and forgot about the entire thing. 


The next morning I woke up to people laughing downstairs. Malcolm probably had some people over. For a few seconds, I forgot about the whole kiss but then it all came flushing back.

"Fuck!" I face palmed and laid back in bed.

I never had somebody on my mind like this. I never even really had a boyfriend. Boys my age were just not something I was thinking about. I never really thought about any man for that matter. Especially because I feel like no one can handle me. But here comes King swooping in and fucking up everything.

I got up and went to my bathroom to get ready for the day. It was Sunday so I was just gonna chill around here.

I put my braids in a bun and took a shower and put on some clothes.

I put my braids in a bun and took a shower and put on some clothes

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After I was dressed I went downstairs and wanted to just run back to my room. King, Malcolm, and their other friend Jameson were at the table playing dominoes.

"Wassup Kai." Jameson clapped me up.

"Morning." I greeted them all before slipping into the kitchen.

I wish I could just stay in this kitchen until King left. But knowing him, he'd probably stay for the rest of the day.

"Kai what you cooking up in there?" Malcolm asked.

"Not a damn thing! I'm eating cereal." I rolled my eyes.

Jameson and King started laughing.

I walked out the kitchen with my bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and was about to head to my room.

"What you got planned today Kia?" King looked me up and down making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Uhm-prolly getting some work done." I answered nervously.

"Damn, it look like she mean to erbody but King." Jameson slapped a dominoe on the table.

"And I'm the one that put a roof over her head." Malcolm shook his head.

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking until I got to my room.

What the hell just happened? What the fuck is King doing to my head?

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