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*Malcolm POV*

The Harling trip was going smoothly for the first couple of days. But then word got out that Sko had came up here scoping us out. I wanted to cap his ass the day I found out he tried lil sis but Junior wanted to set another meeting to make his intentions clear.

We pulled up to the spot and Sko and his people were already there.

"Evening." He greeted a smirk on his face.

"Sko. I could've sworn we made it clear to you and Smoke that this was our turf." Junior folded his arms.

"You did. However, one of my intels came up missing and the last place he was seen was Bay Side with three of his friends, all of whom are connected to Kaiser, aka yo sister. Seeing as she got into a bit of trouble a lil while back, I can't help but feel like you had something to do with that." Sko addressed me.

"I ride bout mine and you know it." I spat.

He nodded.

"It seems somebody else rides about yours too." He turned around and had a tablet in his hands.

He tapped the screen and it connected to a speaker.

"Tell me what you know about Kaiser." Sko's voice questioned.

"I don't know much but, she dating somebody."  Reggie answered.

"Who?" Sko pressed.

"We was riding around one night going to the Rink and she was talking bout the time she had went to Ebony party and snuck out. So we was all there and then King show up and take her up outta there. The next day we clownin her and asking what happened after he took her up out the party and she make it known that they ended up kissing. So we all looking crazy cause erbody know that's Malcolm day one. Fast forward boom, they get into it over sumn and she come to school hot. So we like who we gotta fight? Ya know on some friendly shit. And she like oh my boyfriend carry guns. So that's when we really was like ayo they really out here dating? Then it was confirmed when one night, we had went to the Rink and I guess they had fell out or whatever and he had came to the Rink and was watching her. Her and Iaja was hanging that night. But then shots start firin and the first person he grab is her. Mind you he all the way across the Rink. So that's when we knew it was King. Kaiser and King fuck wit each other heavy." Reggie revealed.

"You sure about this?" Sko asked.

"You can ask anybody that know Kai, King all she talk about."  Reggie confirmed

Sko stopped the recording and started talking but his words were coming out muffled because all I could think about was the fact that there is a possibility that King and Kaiser could be messing around.

My little sister and my best friend? Nah. This nigga tryna get in my head.

Before I knew it I was pulling my gun and aiming it at Sko and fired three shots.

A shootout began but the only person I was aiming for was Sko who was running. All of a sudden I got shot in the chest and fell to the ground. Junior crawled over and dragged me to the car.

"GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!" Junior shouted.

Then I passed out.

*Kai POV*

It was almost two in the morning and me and King were watching The Princess and the Frog when he got a call on his phone.

"Yo what's good?" He answered sitting up putting his shirt on.

"WHAT?!" He yelled rushing over to his closet putting on pants and shoes.

"What's happening?" I whispered sitting up.

"WHERE HE AT?!" He yelled into the phone while motioning for me to come with him quickly.

"What happened?" I asked jumping out the bed and putting on clothes and shoes.

"BRO HOW THE FUCK THAT HAPPEN?!" He bolted out the room with me following close behind.

We went outside and hopped in his truck and started driving.

The person on the other side of the phone must have been explaining because King still had the phone to his ear but he was quiet.

Before I knew it we were pulling up to the airport. I just frowned looking at King.

But then I started putting two and two and got something happened to Malcolm.

"Is it Malcolm?" I questioned looking at him.

He didnt't answer me but the look on his face told me everything I needed to know.

I tried to control my breathing as my heart raced. He pulled up on the runway to a private jet and parked the car getting out.

"Alright bruh we bout to get on the plane now. Please don't let nothing else happen I swear to God bro." King got off the phone.

"What happened?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Malcolm got shot but they got him to the hospital in time. Right now they doing surgery to take the bullet out of his chest. We gotta go up there right now to make sure he straight." King explained.

I wanted to fall apart as soon as I heard Malcolm got shot, but I knew I had to keep it together.

"Ok." I nodded.

"Don't worry bruh, everything gonna be fine." He hugged me.

"I know." I sniffled.

I wiped my eyes and we got on the plane to Harling.

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