•Fifty Eight•

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After we cleaned the house, we had to stage the scene. We put all the girls phones in a box and hid them in the crawl space under the house making sure to have all the locations on. Malcolm and Junior put them in a sprinter and sent it to the safe house. 

It was time for us to leave but Malcolm, Junior, and Iaja were plotting because me and King were on two opposite sides of the room while the three of them were huddled near the front door talking.

"Bro can we get the fuck up outta here now?" King pushed himself off the wall he was lwaning on.

"Nope. Y'all can leave as soon as y'all talk." Junior pointed between the two of us.

"What happened to erbody not wanting me and this girl to be together? Cause I could've sworn none of y'all wanted us to be together, except for Iaja!" 

"Mufucka if you don't want me no more say that cause you talking real outta pocket! What happened to erbody not wanting me and this girl to be together?! Are you fucking kidding me dawg?!" I shouted.

It got quiet.

"You know what I meant." King waved me off.

"No, I don't know what you mean. I have yet to understand what you mean! This whole night is just confusing to me! So help me understand what the fuck you mean King!" I mugged him.

We heard the door close and looked to see that they had left us to argue. Instead of leaving we zered in on each other.

"Drop it Kai, it ain't even a big deal no mo." He shook his head.

"Bro I shed tears because you looked at me like I had just done the worst possible thing you could think of! I wish I could've taken a picture and shown it to you! Because I know most of what you've done and the things I don't know, I have an idea and I'm still here! I never judged, I never asked no questions, and I for damn fucking sure don't think you a foul person! So why not give me that same shit back?!" I argued.

"The one thing I ain't want to happen happened. I told you from day one I ain't want you mixed up in all this. What you say? Oh no it ain't gon happen. And now look. Look at what you doing, Kai. Next thing I know you picking up sticks and if you pick it up you gotta be ready to blow. I'on look at chu no different but I see where you headed and I ain't fucking wit it." He explained.

"My back was against the wall what else could I have done?!" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want you around this shit cause I give a fuck. I ain't want you nowhere near any of this man, and now look. You out here drugging bitches and not being phased by nothing. This life look appealing, Kai, but how long before you just offing niggas and not even thinking twice." He continued.

I took a minute to really understand what he was saying and he was halfway right. Before, I probably would have been shook or disgusted at the mention of somebody even drugging a girl. But now look at what I'm doing. But then again, you move like a snake you get put down like one.

"I don't know what you want me to say, King. I really don't. I knew what could happen. I knew where all of this shit could go. I knew Malcolm's lifestyle could fuck with mine but that's just something I had to deal with. I'm not some fragile little girl who could break at any point. All the shit I've been through this year, it's too late to talk about what the fuck I'm doing because what I've been doing is trying to fix the shit I didn't start. I ain't start with Reggie, he came at me. Now he's dead. I ain't start with them girls. They came searching for me. They ain't dead and won't be if everything goes according to plan."

"And if it doesn't?" He challeneged.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"See what I'm talking bout? That attitude is exactly what gets you here, Kai! It's what gets you stuck in this bullshit!" He raised his voice again.

"I'm done talking about this. We just gon have to agree to disagree because I don't know what you want from me." I rolled my eyes walking toward the door.

"Bet." He deadpanned and walked towards the door.

When we got outside everyone was looking at us.

"Are y'all all lovey dovey again." Iaja smiled.

Me and King looked at each other and then looked away.

"I'm taking that as a no." Junior sighed.

We all got in our cars and went to the safe house. 

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