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I decided to make breakfast for me and Malcolm so we could talk. I knew when he finally woke up he would want to talk about everything and make it right.

I choose shrimp and grits since it wouldn't take too long to make plus that's me and Malcolm's favorite breakfast combo.

I put on some music and got to cooking. I was singing along to my favorite songs as I plated the food.

Just as I was pouring myself some juice, Malcolm walked in the kitchen.

"Morning." I greeted him.

He blatantly ignored me, grabbed a plate and left the kitchen.

Ok, maybe he didn't hear me over the music.

I turned the music off and followed him to the living room.

"Good morning." I repeated with more base in my voice.

Still nothing.

"So you don't hear me speaking to you?" I folded my arms.

"I hear you, Kaiser." He grumbled.

"Oh so I'm Kaiser now?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That's yo name ain't it?" He hissed.

"What is your problem with me now? It's like I do shit to be nice and make sure you not mad at me and it's like you gonna be mad regardless!" I rolled my eyes.

"You don't wanna have this conversation right now." He shook his head.

"Oh but I do! I made food so we could talk like two grown adults but you wanna give me the silent treatment like I'm in the wrong!"

"You are wrong! You always fucking wrong!" He shouted standing up.

"Yep that's me Kaiser the fuck up! But guess what you the one who been doing the parenting so I guess we both some fuck ups! A fuck up raising a fuck up!" I yelled back.

"I'm a fuck up?! Without me yo ass would've been in foster care all these years! You don't realize how much I save yo ass!" He took a step closer to me.

"What the fuck you want an award?! I didn't ask for mom and dad to die! I would've been just peachy if they would have still been here but no I'm fucking stuck with you!" I stepped towards him.

"If you want to leave you can go! I'm not begging you to stay here!"

"Yeah and then I'll leave and you'll be mad and stressed cause you have no fucking clue where I'm at and then you'll get yourself killed out there cause you were so wrapped up in this bullshit and then I'll have that on my conscience cause I actually give a fuck about you. No fucking thanks Malcolm you bare yo demons on yo own!"

"Whatever, Kaiser. You don't give a fuck about anybody but yourself." He sat back down on the couch.

"Mhm yep it's always me! I'm always the fucking problem! I'm everybody's selfish ass fucking headache! I'm so sick of everybody blaming me for their shitty days!" I turned around and walked towards the dining room.

"No one is blaming you! It is you! Stop acting like you don't do shit wrong and maybe somebody would sit down and have a conversation wit chu for once!" Malcolm argued behind me.

There was mail on the table so I shuffled through it when my eyes landed on my report card. I quickly opened it and my heart nearly dropped.

English IV: A-
Algebra II: B+
Anatomy & Physiology: A+
US History: B-
Physical Education: B-

I had pulled it off. For the first time in my entire high school life I had made the AB Honor Roll. I wanted to break down and cry. All this work all this busting my ass and dealing with bullshit from teachers and bitches at school and even King and Malcolm, I had managed to secure my own fucking bag.

Malcolm was still grumbling and mumbling behind me.

I took my report card and shoved it at him.

"Am I still a fuck up?" I put my hand on my hip.

He took a moment to look at it. And then he looked at me, sorrow scribbled on his face.

He rubbed his hands up and down his face and then he looked at me.

"Aw shit, Kai. What the fuck am I doing sitting up here arguing wit chu for? That ain't us, this ain't what we do. I'm sorry for all the shit I said, today and yesterday. It's just crazy to me how in a couple months you'll be eighteen. It scared me that you was still fucking up in school but shit teachers do lie. Imma go down to the school on Monday and talk to Ms. whatever the fuck her name is. I swear I'mma make it right. I'm sorry." He got up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have blown up and walked off like I did yesterday." I apologized.

"Listen, I was wrong for that I shouldn't have taken you there. I should've just talked to you like a normal person but shit, I took that lady word before even asking you what happened. How can I make it up to you?" He still held me in the hug.

"Buy me a car and we'll call it even." I joked.

"Nigga you can't even drive." He mushed the side of my head.

"Says who?! Gimme the keys I'll drive right now!" I ran to the front door.

"Ok we gon see bout that." He put his shoes on and walked towards the door handing me his car keys.

After many failed attempts at trying not to hit the mail box, Malcolm promised to teach me how to drive.

I was just glad everything was over.

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