•Thirty Eight•

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I woke up a couple hours later and King was taking a nap next to me. I didn't even get a chance to eat because I was just so tired and over the arguing and fussing and fighting. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen. I ordered a cheese pizza and a side of chicken wings. King ate half the pizza and a couple of wings. 

I made myself a plate and decided to watch tv. While I was watching tv, I got a FaceTime call from Iaja.

"Hey boo how you been?" She asked as soon as I answered.

"Girl I'm just taking it day by day." I rolled my eyes.

"Ooh that don't sound to good." She shook her head.

"Iaja, I need your honest opinion." I sighed.

"What is it?" 

"Do I talk about me and King too much?" I asked her.

"No. You just need to watch who you tell your business to." She replied.

I just nodded and listened to what she had to say.

"Sometimes, Kai, we get so wrapped up in our world and how good it's going, we don't see the snakes taking in the information and waiting to use it to their advantage." Iaja advised.

"Wait, who told you about the Reggie situation?" I frowned.

"It's all over town plus Alec called me looking for you." She rolled her eyes.

"Alec? Girl what is he talking about?" I scrunched up my nose.

"He told me everything that happened and honestly, I don't know if he really had anything to do with the whole shooting. He told me he didn't know if you wanted to hear from him since you missed all his calls plus everything that happened so he reached out to me." She continued.

"I had to change my number after we left town. I don't know if I wanna reach out, Iaja. This could all be a front. Shit, for all we know he could be repping blues just like Reggie. Doing all this just to get me caught up." 

"I feel you. Listen whatever you wanna do, I'm behind you one hundred percent. You know I got ya back, girl." Iaja smiled.

"Thanks. But there's actually one more thing I wanted to talk to you about." 

"What's up?" 

"Ok so Malcolm asked me about me and King earlier and I had to lie because I just wasn't ready for him to know about us yet. King got mad and now he wants to tell Malcolm about us but I just don't know if I'm ready for everything to unravel." I vented.

"Why did you lie to Malcolm?" She asked giving me that big sister look.

"Because I had no clue what he was gonna say. Plus, I panicked. King wasn't there and we never really talked about telling Malcolm. I just had to make something up real quick." 

"And why don't you want Malcolm to know?"

"Huh?" I frowned.

"Kai, I know you. If you wanted Malcolm to know you would have told him long time ago. You been telling everybody who will listen about you and King. But you haven't told the one person it matters most to. Why?" She questioned.

"I don't know. I just don't think he'll take it good. He doesn't see what I see when he sees King. Everybody looks at us and goes, well what does he see in a seventeen year old? And why she is she dating her brother's best friend whose about the same age as her brother? But it's deeper than that. Everything is deeper than that." I smiled off into space.

"Ooooh Kai sprung!" She sang.

"Shut up! I don't know I just feel like Malcolm isn't gonna get how any of this happened and why it's happening." I shrugged playing with my fingers.

"You need to tell him and tell him now. The longer you draw it out the more he'll want to kill the both of y'all once this finally does come out. And trust me, it will come out." She warned.

"Fine. I just don't want my relationship with King to end because of all this Malcolm bullshit." 

"You are Malcolm's baby sister and his only sibling and King is his best friend since forever. Your relationship was affected once y'all started dating." She chuckled.

"Thanks, Iaja. You always give me good advice." 

"No problem boo, that's what I'm here for. Now, when Malcolm gets out of the hospital, you and King need to sit him down and tell him the truth. Explain everything to him like you just told me and I think you won't have anything to worry about." 

I looked out of the corner of my eye and King was leaning agaisnt the door smirking at me.

"Uhm, Iaja I'mma call you later." I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face.

"Girl bye. Bye King!" She shouted making us both laugh.

"Bye, Iaja!" He called back.

She hung up and I turned to him.

"Why you all smiling and grinning all of a sudden?" I looked him up and down.

"Cause I got you sprung." He cackled.

"Me? Sprung? Over you? You wish!" I rolled my eyes laughing.

"Keep telling yaself that. But let's call Iaja and see what she say since you having a hard time remebering." He quickly snatched my phone out of my hand.

I tried to chase him and get the phone back but before I could he stopped, looking down at the phone with a mischievous grin.

He turned the phone to me and showed me his contact name and picture in my phone.

"So you not sprung huh?" 

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes.

"Nah I can't even lie yours the same way. Sleeping and all." He started cracking up.

I took my phone back and sat back on the couch.

"So we telling him once he gets out the hospital?" He asked sitting next to me.

"We have to. I don't wanna keep this from him anymore." I laid my head on his shoulder.

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