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It was later in the day and I was up here doing homework. I had finished almost all of my makeup work except for a couple of projects. But I was also eavesdropping on the conversation downstairs to see what was happening. 

"Nah but I'm bout to hit the bathroom real quick." King announced.

"Use the one upstairs, the toilet down here a lil broke. It's the second door past Kai room." Malcolm directed him.

I heard him come up the stairs and knew this was my chance.

I opened my door just as he was walking past and dragged him inside by his shirt and closed the door behind me.

"Kai what the hell?" King frowned.

"Shut the hell up!" I hissed.

I took a pause and made sure nobody heard him in here.

"What the hell was that last night?" I cut to the chase.

"What you talm bout?" He folded his arms, his face was straight.

"You kissed me!" I hissed.

"If I recall correctly, we kissed each other." He raised an eyebrow.

"Nigga cut the shit. What the fuck was that?" I rolled my eyes.

"Kai, I just got caught up in the moment. It ain't mean that much to me." He shrugged.

"So you just go around kissing seventeen year old girls? And it don't mean shit?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Listen Kai, you ain't my type. Plus, you my best friend lil sister. I can't move on you even if I wanted to, which I don't want to." He continued.

"I was yo type last night. And what you mean by I'm not yo type?" I frowned.

"You got a lot of attitude and mouth on you. I'm just not the one to handle them types." 

"Bet. Thank you for clearing that shit up." I opened my room door.

"If I hurt ya feelings, I'm sorry." He apologized while walking out into the hallway.

"You can't hurt feelings I don't have." I deadpanned.

And with that I closed my door.

Fuck King.

Who the fuck kisses somebody and then turns around saying it ain't mean shit. My mouth and attitude didn't bother his ass last night! Fuck this nigga for even trying to fuck wit my head.

I was over doing homework at this point and wanted to leave the house. I wanted to be anywhere but under the same roof as King.

I decided to call Reggie.

"Wassup Kai?" Reggie answered.

"What's the move today? I'm bored." I sighed.

"Uh we bout to slide to the rink tonight. Malc gon let yo ass out?" He chuckled.

"Shut the hell up and pick me up on y'all way."  I scoffed.

"Alright damn." 

I hung up the phone and threw it on my bed.

Now all I needed was to get Malcolm to say yes in front of King.

I waited until I heard the bathroom door open and waited ten minutes before going downstairs.

"Malc!" I called out when I didn't see him at the dining room table.

"I'm in the living room!" He yelled back.

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