•Thirty Two•

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I woke up with the sun in my eyes and I rolled over to see Malcolm sleeping on the floor.

"Malcolm?" I called out to him.

As soon as he heard my voice, he jumped up and looked at me.

"You ok?" He asked urgently.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just wanted to know why you were sleeping on the floor." I replied.

"I came in last night and you were sleep so I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you or you had a nightmare or sumn. I'm just worried bout you especially now." He answered rubbing his hands down his face.

"I'm doing better now that I know your in town and somewhere close so nothing like what happened happens again." I yawned.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk about. Are you okay?" He asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"I'm doing better. I was scared out of my mind yesterday but I'm better now." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Don't sugarcoat, Kai. If something wrong I wanna know so you don't go through it alone." He looked me in the eye.

"I'm ok. Still a little shocked about everything that happened. But overall I'm straight. Plus, I'm always bouncing back, you know that." I reassured.

"You don't always gotta be the one that bounce back. Sometimes its ok to admit you down bad. That's what I'm here for. You don't gotta hide for me." He continued to press me.

"Listen, Malc. I'm ok. Just give me some time to get it together and come to terms with everything and I swear I'll be back to my normal self. Ok?" I reassured him.

"I guess. But I'm tryna make it clear now because I have to go back to Harling tonight." He stood up.

"Your gonna go back to Harling even after everything that happened?! Junior and the rest of them have other shit to worry about other than my safety! Nobody can protect me like you can!" I shouted.

"Listen, instead of a week it's only gonna be two days and King staying to make sure nothing happens again." He reasoned.

As soon as he said that, my heart stopped racing. All my fears went away. I know it sounds corny but I know for a fact King would never let anything happen to me.

"I guess. But I still don't want you to go by yourself." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not, Junior is coming and he bring damn near the whole gang. So I'll be straight. I swear it'll only be two days."

"Fine. But I swear if anything happens, I'll bring my ass to Harling and kill you myself." I warned him.

"Chill out. Imma be in and out today cause we still got some shit to get together.  But King gonna be here later to make sure you straight. Alright?" He spread his arms out.

"Alright. I love you." I hugged him.

"I love you too. Now please be on yo best behavior cause I gotta go meet wit Junior bout something."  He pulled away grabbing his car keys.

"I mean I guess. Imma just chill and watch movies all day." I laid back down.

He left the room and I let the smile I was holding in out. I would finally get to see his face and just be with him again.

I had fell asleep watching a movie. I got up and got myself together so I could go downstairs and get food.

 I got up and got myself together so I could go downstairs and get food

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After I put my clothes on I went downstairs and the house was empty. I looked out the window and the huge driveway was empty.

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