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The room was silent as everybody was looking at me.

"Nah don't get quiet now, Kai. You had so much to say when it was me and Iaja. Don't be shy, who was the homie kissing all on you at Roscoe's earlier?" Reggie smirked.

"First of all Reggie you was literally pouting over a three year old crush and got mad at me cause I said it's time to let that hurt go which it was considering she got a whole other boyfriend. Who I kiss or where is none of your concern and for your information I wasn't at Roscoe's earlier today, fuck wrong wit chu." I spat.

"Mhm, that girl sure did look an awful lot like you. And dude sure did look a lot like King." He shook his head.

"Me and King have no business even crossing paths let alone kissing. It's you tryna find mess in my life any where you can just because you mad cause I checked you bout Iaja for me. Get it together." I rolled my eyes.

"It's not that hard to find mess in yo life if you really wanna talk about it." Reggie egged on.

"The fuck is all that sposed to mean. If you butt hurt that I called you out then say that but don't drag my life cause you're mad at me on some bullshit." I stood up off the couch.

"Kai, ain't nobody butt hurt. All I'm saying is you like to put yoself in our lives and fix shit when nothing need to be fixed meanwhile yo shit ain't together either." Reggie waved me off.

"Let's change the conversation." Iaja stood up.

"Nah! Fuck allat! Reggie how my life so fucked up? I made the AB honor roll mind you didn't go to school for a month, meanwhile yo ass can barely keep a 2.0! You held a three year grudge against Iaja all because you had a fat ass crush on her even though I don't know why you even thought that shit was gon happen considering we was freshmans and she was a senior. So who life really fucked up?!" I yelled.

Everybody watched in silence with their eyes wide.

"I'm living peachy, but thank you for proving my point." Reggie shrugged his shoulders.

I just looked him up and down.

"Kai, your a fucking hot head who jump on somebody ass every time they got some shit to say. Every action don't need a reaction." He explained.

"I told y'all since day one. I am who I am. If you don't like it you can get the fuck. I'm a hot head but when a bitch get buck wit y'all I'm the first person y'all call. When them bitches took Syrus money and y'all just stood there who the fuck got all five hundred of them dollars back? When that hoe Anaya said that you and Keem assaulted her at that party last year who the fuck got her to tell the truth? When them niggas on Bay Side was beating y'all ass every day in tenth grade, who the fuck got her brother to go down there and get them to leave y'all alone? And in ninth fucking grade when y'all tried to add Anaya to the group and she tried to split the whole fucking group up who did y'all turn y'all back on? Me. But I always fucking pull through for y'all! Now I'm a hot head who got anger issues and all this rah rah but that wasn't the case when y'all needed me! Fuck outta here!" I spat.

I turned around and just headed for the stairs.

I don't know what the fuck the guys had going on tonight cause all that was some bullshit. I was about to take a shower and chill out when somebody knocked on my door. 

I opened it and it was Iaja.

"You want them to leave? I told them that was some bullshit they just pulled." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah they can go head and get the fuck out at this point. Reggie got me fucked up and the rest of them knew he was gon pull this weird shit so yeah they can all go head and get the fuck on." I responded.

"Cool. Imma go ahead and go home. Just try and relax sis and call me later." Iaja hugged me.

"Ok. I just need a minute to cool off cause that whole thing, I don't know what the fuck it was or where it came from, but the way I'm feeling right now it's best that all of them go home" I hugged her back. 

She went back downstairs and then I heard footsteps, then the front door opened and closed.

I went downstairs to make sure everybody was gone. I turned out all the lights and went upstairs. I just wanted to go sleep and forget about tonight.


I woke up on time for school but I took my sweet time cause for one I didn't wanna go, for two I had Malcolm's car, and for three them stupid ass niggas I called my friends were going to be there. I brushed off my feelings and started getting ready. I wanted to stunt on hoes today and maybe just maybe find some people to replace Keem, Alec, Syrus, and especially Reggie.

 I wanted to stunt on hoes today and maybe just maybe find some people to replace Keem, Alec, Syrus, and especially Reggie

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I got Malcolm's keys and headed to school.

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