•Forty Seven•

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"King get the fuck in here and come talk to her!" Malcolm snatched the door open.

"What the hell going on?" King frowned walking in the room.

"She wanna having a fucking meet n greet wit fucking Sko." Malcolm spat.

"Kai what the hell?" King looked at me sideways.

"Make it happen or I'll make it happen myself." I folded my arms.

"You know how reckless and dangerous that is?" King sat next to me.

"I wanna know what's so bad that I've done that I had to pack up my life and lose multiple friends. It can't be a gang beef cause I'm not in either gang." I explained.

"Your an affiliate. As soon as Malcolm got in you were in by association." Junior answered walking in the room.

I was taking in what Junior was saying but at the same time I wanted my old life back and what I was planning was the only way to do that.

"If I'm an affiliate then this shouldn't be hard to achieve." I shrugged.

"You forget one thing though." Junior replied.

I just looked him up and down.

"You ordered the hit on Reggie." King answered for him.

"What?!" I looked at the three of them.

"I asked you that night what you wanted to happen to him and you said you wanted him to die like a snake. So here we are Kai, dead snakes." Malcolm shrugged putting his hands in his pockets.

I was quiet.

"Well then one more dead snake couldn't hurt. Whether I set it up or whether y'all set it up, it's gon be what it's gon be." I shrugged

"Kai your in the hospital with a bullet in ya rib cage, you not strong enough to take him on." Malcolm reasoned.

"You act like I said I wanna have the sit down in a couple hours. Y'all not changing my mind bout this so you might as well make it happen."

"What even is your plan?" King looked like he was entertaining the idea.

"Talk. No guns. No gangs. Just a one on one."

"That's a crazy idea." Junior shook his head.

"Like I said, I don't care. I'm tired of hiding out while that nigga Sko walking around untouched. IK want him to know he can be touched."  I added.

"How are you gonna let him know he can be touched with no gun or gang behind you? Kai you don't play when it come to wordplay but Sko not gonna move off that shit. He shoot niggas every day, what makes you different?" Malcolm questioned.

"He doesn't see me as a threat which is stupid on his part. But you watch and see. He gonna be singing a different tune by the time I'm done." 

King was just looking at me in disbelief. 

"Lemme talk to her alone." King demanded.

Malcolm shrugged his shoulders and headed toward the door with Junior close behind him.

"What is this really about?" King turned to me once they was gone.

"I told you, I wanna go back home and live my life like a normal teenage girl. Everything is too fucked up now. I wanna go back to the way things were before Sko and Reggie teamed up and fucked up my life. I'm tired and now I'm fighting back since y'all don't give a damn." I vented.

"And you  think I'm gonna let you do this?" He folded his arms.

"It's not about anybody letting me do anything. It's getting done whether you want me to or not." 

"Kaiser! You're not fucking listening to shit we saying. Sko ain't some nigga from school or me or Malcolm. He don't give a fuck about nothing you think you gonna say to him. He will kill you and I'll be damned if that happens. Sit the fuck back, heal up and let us handle it. This shit not no fucking game! This real life!" King was getting mad.

King never really raised his voice at me. The fact that he was doing it right now let me know he was dead serious. But at the end of the day, these niggas acting like they scared of Sko. It'd always sports and gunplay until it isn't.

"Get out." I stated simply. 

"Tuh." King shook his head.

"You know what your problem is?" He pointed at me.

"I don't give a fuck what my problem is. Right now, you're my problem." I spat.

He looked a little shocked that I said that but right now him and everybody else was getting on my nerves.

"You know what, bet. I'm bout to make all yo problems go away. Don't hit me up when yo ass get caught lacking on some dumb shit since you think shit a game. And as for Malcolm tell him don't trip, I'm not wit his hard headed ass sister no more." He turned around and walked out the door before I could say anything.

Fuck all them niggas to be honest. 

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