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*Kai POV*

"What did he say?" Iaja asked as I came back to the kitchen.

"They're on the way. We have officially done our part for this plan to come through." I smiled high fiving her.

"But really Kai how do you really feel about all this? How are you and King doing?" She asked.

"I feel like this shit is finally over. Now all that's left to do is graduate and maybe college or something." I sighed.

"You going to prom?" She asked.

"Hell no! Give me my fucking diploma so I can get the fuck on. Plus, I got nobody to go with." I shrugged.

"King could take you now that everything is out in the open. Plus, I think you should go it could be a good night." She reasoned.

"I don't know bout me and King right now." I rolled my eyes.

"Kai stop. Y'all are  just experiencing your first big argument. It'll be good and done in a couple days maybe even today after y'all see each other." 

"Iaja, this nigga is being so dramatic and for what? All because he feels like I'm changing  and the game is corrupting  me. That's the stupidest shit I've heard. If anything I'm adapting to the shit I've been thorugh and I'm changing to fucking survive this shit. It's either me and Sko and I'm choosing me. I'm not some scared lil bitch. Never been that. Always face shit head on and he knows that. So why all of a sudden is it that I'm being corrupted and changed?" I vented.

"You went from a regular teenager to plotting with one of the biggest gang lords in the state and expect nobody to be shocked? Or a little concerned? He's your boyfriend it's his job to make sure you safe at all times. But your also not wrong. If you felt you couldn't handle things you wouldn't be doing any of this. He needs to learn your not a soft fragile flower and you need to learn to let someone else care about you for a change. Y'all need to talk it out immediately. Leave the pride, the bullshit, and the egos at home. As soon as y'all do that y'all gon be right back in love wit the googly heart eyes and shit."

"Iaja you ain't never steer me wrong. So I'mma listen to you. But on me, I'm not with the gimmicks and games. At the end of the day, I love King but he's been pushing my buttons for the last couple days and it really be pissing me off." I sighed.

Our conversation was cut off by Junior, King, and Malcolm walking in the house.

"Where he at?" Malcolm asked with his stick out.

"Nigga calm down he ain't try nothing crazy he left. Our part of the plan is handled so now it's up to y'all." Iaja answered with the cutest school girl smile on her face. 

"Yeah bet not hadda tried shit." Malcolm bucked jokingly at Iaja while putting his stick up.

I looked at King and all I wanted to do was just hug and be all up on him. But my pride was eating me up. But I started to remember what Iaja said.

I took the deepest breath and just decided to say fuck it.

I walked towards King, grabbed his hand and led him toward my room.

"Door open!" Malcolm yelled after us.

"Same to you nigga!" I looked back at him as we went up the stairs.

We got to my room and I closed the door. King was about to start talking but I put my hand over his mouth.

"I need you to understand that right now I am putting my pride asside and swallowing my ego and coming to you as somebody who really gives a fuck about what we have to talk this shit out instead of steam rolling over it like I do everything else. I'm not looking to argue and I'm damn for sure not trying to fight. I don't wanna talk about the party. I don't wanna talk about Jazlyn, Yazmeen, Dejonae, or Sko. You understand?" 

He nodded and I took my hand away.

"King when you said to everybody what happened to everybody not wanting me and this girl to be together  it made me feel like you didn't love me anymore. Shit maybe like you were never in love with me. And that shit hurt. And you did in front of everybody. It was embarassing and in that moment I thought we were through. I need you to tell me what you meant because it's been eating me up." 

"I said that out of anger and I apologize because I was wrong for saying that and I'm sorry if I made you feel unloved. That's the last thing I want you to feel." He apologized.

"I accept your apology. Look, I don't wanna fight anymore. This whole shit with me and Junior and Sko is over. I did my part I'm washing my hands with the situation and I'm focusing on my birthday coming up and graduating. I want you to be there for all of that because I know in my heart of hearts I love you. And as much as it's killing me to be saying all this I played my part in this shit too. I'm sorry I've been too invested in this. You weren't wrong when you said this shit was changing me. Being involved desensitized me to a lot. So I'm done. If you want me out I 'll be out for good." I apologized.

"I appreciate your apology, baby." He stood up hugging me.

We stayed like that for a minute before he pulled back slightly and kissed my forehead.

"I don't wanna fight no mo either. Kai, no matter how many fights and arguments we get into just know I love you. I'm still tryna figure out how you work and move. But I'm willing to try long as you on the ride wit me." He spoke holding my face in his hands staring me dead in the eye.

"Ride or die. Me and you to the wheels fall off." I answered.

He kissed me and I kissed back.

"Ewwwwww!" Iaja, Malcolm, and Junior erupted from the door.

"Y'all so damn aggy!" I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.


Hey y'all ya girl is back! Life totally kicked my ass so much happened:

- I quit my job (Fuck them people)

- I moved (Moving is so ass lol)

- I went through a break up (I broke up with him but damn that shit still hurted me though)

- Depression & anxiety decided I ain't have enough so they spent the block (I'm in a better place mentally now)

But thank y'all so much for just sticking by me y'all don't understand how much y'all support means to me like it's unreal. BUT King & Kaiser is coming to an end. I'm sad about it ending cause I dead love them two but it's time. I'm stuck between doing two more parts or just ending it next chapter (I'll think on it more) but I'm super happy about the outcome of this book it's been so uplifting. As for the Youtube series I'm still trying to figure all that out because it's a lot that comes with doing something like that but I definitely still want to do it. Make sure you follow my twitter and IG to stay posted about everything. 

I love you guys so much❤

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