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We pulled up to the house. I was about to get out when King stopped me by reaching over me and closing my door.

"King what now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why you acting like that? Acting like I'm public enemy one or some shit?" He questioned.

"Because you kissed me and made it seem like it ain't mean shit. If I ain't mean shit to you then why the fuck did you kiss me?" I frowned.

He paused for a second. Looked away from me and looked straight ahead.

"I don't know  Kai. I was caught up and next thing I knew, I wanted to kiss you. Shit Kai I like you, but sometimes you make shit hard." He explained.

"So basically you wanted to kiss me and you like me but yet the shit you like about me I have to change? Does that make sense to you?" 

"I know it don't make sense right now but like when you put me in the middle of whatever you and Malcolm got going it put me in a weird spot. I gotta choose between my best friend or the girl I'm feeling sumn for, that shit hard as fuck. Plus, you his little sister. So that make it even more complicated." He continued.

I just sighed.

"I mean you not wrong but that's just who I am, at the end of the day King, I'mma always be like this and you just gonna have to deal with that. As for me being his lil sister, I don't know what to tell you. That's some shit you gon have to chalk up wit God." I shrugged.

We just sat in silence for a minute.

"How you feel bout all of this?" King finally spoke up.

"I don't know. This is all new to me. I just know that I don't regret kissing you. I kissed back for a reason." I gritted.

I hated talking about my feelings.

It got silent again.

"I should go inside before Malcolm start questioning where I'm at." I belted.

"Bet. We not done with this conversation." He warned.

"I know, 354-263-7845." I winked.

I closed the door and walked toward the front door then my phone started ringing.

I looked back toward the car and he had the phone to his ear, a smile on his face.

"Hello?" I answered trying to fight the grin on my face.

"Goodnight, Kai." He responded.

"Goodnight, King." I smiled back.

He hung up then drove out of the driveway.


The next morning I woke up and didn't feel like going to school. I just had too much on my mind. King being the center of everything. But I had to graduate.  I got out the bed and got ready for the day. I was feeling bummy so that's how I was dressing today.

I put my braids in two buns and then added carmex and lipgloss to my lips

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I put my braids in two buns and then added carmex and lipgloss to my lips.

"Cute lil bum." I smiled to myself.

I went downstairs and Malcolm was gone.

"How the hell am I supposed to get to school?" I yelled out loud.

"I'm right here chill out." King emerged from the kitchen with a bowl of strawberries.

"What the hell? Where is Malcolm?" I frowned.

"He had sumn to take care of. You riding wit me today." He grabbed his keys and headed to the front door. 

I stopped in my tracks for a second.

Did King volunteer to bring me to school?

"Wassup?" He turned to me when he noticed I hadn't moved.

"Did you volunteer to take me to school? Or did Malcolm ask?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"He said he had sumn to do and I volunteered. So technically he asked without really asking." He had a wide grin on his face.

"Whatever, let's go." I chuckled walking out the door.

We walked out the house and I locked the door as King walked to his car.

I turned around and he had the door open for me.

"Oh your a real gentleman today!" I joked.

"Man, get in the car." He shook his head.

I got in the passenger seat and he closed the door for me.

"What you got planned after school?" He questioned as we drove.

"I don't know, probably come home and get some work done." I scrolled through Instagram.

"I'mma take you out to dinner. Somewhere nice." He revealed.

I damn near choked.

"And we're going as?" I turned to look at him.

"Something potentially real." He stared back at me.

I don't know what it was about that statement, but it made me feel some type of way. Not in a bad way either, butterflies maybe? 

We pulled to the school and I was about to get out when he stopped me.

"Stop doing that, jsut tell me to hold up." I rolled my eyes.

"I mean it, Kai. We going out to sort this out. Whatever this is I'on want it to be messy. And getting out of hand. Us talking shit out in this car ain't solve nothing as we already seen. I'm picking you up at eight." He looked serious.

"Ok, what about Malcolm?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry bout him, I got him covered." He reassured me.

I nodded and then got out.

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