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~Kaiser POV~

"Kai! If I tell yo ass one mo time to wake up for school bro!" Malcolm bussed through the door of my room.

Usually I wouldn't care that Malcolm was bussin up in my room but today, I had time.

"Nigga stop bussin up in here like you run shit. I told you I'm gonna get up in two damn minutes!" I argued back.

"Nah you need to get up now! Miss Juanita coming to get yo lil bad ass and make sure you get to school on time!" He mushed the side of my head referring to our neighbor.

"Nigga I skip school like one time and you hold that shit to yo fucking chest!" I mugged him.

"Bro you deadass skipped school everyday for a month last month. A fucking truancy officer showed up at my door! You lucky I slipped his ass a dime bag or we both would've been in some shit." He pointed his finger in my face.

I took my chance and bit his finger as hard as I could.

"Kai what the fuck bruh!" He yelled as I could taste blood on my tongue.

"Stop playing wit me Malc. I will fuck you up." I smirked.

"You a fucking animal dawg! Let me come back in here and you not ready! Imma beat yo ass!" He held his bleeding finger and left the room.

I may have skipped school everyday for a month but I knew one fucking thing I wasn't going to school today. But I wasn't gonna sit in this house either.

I turned on some music and blasted it through my speaker.

Today I was gonna go hang wit some friends down by the bay and just fuck around. Plus it was senior skip day anyway.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

"Miss Juanita gon be ready in five minutes hurry it up!" Malcolm banged on the door.

"Eat my ass!" I shouted back.

I usually didn't give Malcolm too much shit but today I just wasn't having it. Especially since he got Miss Juanita babysitting me like I'm a fucking kid.

I brushed my teeth, put my box braids in a bun leaving two braids out at the front , and laid my edges.

"She outside, Kaiser bring yo ass!" I could hear him standing outside my door.

"Ok damn can a bitch put on some clothes or I'm going to school naked?" I rolled my eyes.

I threw on a random outfit and grabbed my backpack. It was filled with snacks, water, a charger, and a lil bud, if you peep game.

"You happy? Damn I swear sometimes you make me wanna choke you the fuck out, Malc

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"You happy? Damn I swear sometimes you make me wanna choke you the fuck out, Malc." I threw my arms around him.

"Nah don't fucking hug me. You bit me nigga." He tried to pry me off him.

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