•Forty Eight•

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After King left Malcolm came in the room with this same sympathetic look on his face.

"What?" I frowned at him.

"King gone. He said y'all broke up." He relayed.

"I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You guess? Kai this man is gone. You fought me so hard so y'all could be together and now you don't care?" Malcolm frowned.

"Did I break up with him? No! He left me! Just drop the situation." I rolled my eyes.

"Kaiser, listen to me. The way you moving is crazy. You wanna go back home, I get that. Shit I wanna go back home! But killing Sko not gonna do shit but start a war that you not even gonna be a part of. Cause I know that's what you plotting. You think shit gonna be easy to pull a trigger. It's easy until it's time to squeeze that trigger and take a life. I know me and King and Junior make it seem easy but at the end of the night can you look yoself in the mirror and see the same reflection, can you go to sleep without the image of Sko in yo head at night? If you feel like you bout it, I'll take you to go shooting as soon as you get out. Cause I know you don't know how to shoot. But if you listen to everybody around you and get it through yo head that this ain't what you wanna do then I'll shut the hell up and call King and tell em come back." Malcolm lectured.

I was quiet for a moment. Killing Sko wouldn't fix much but it was a start. It would at least let the gang know that they could be touched.

"Earth yo Kai?" Malcolm snapped his fingers.

"Just call King." I rolled my eyes.

"I knew you had a brain between them ears." Malcolm flicked my forehead and pulled out his phone.

"Ayo she got a level head come back." He spoke.

"Nigga bring yo ass! Y'all already went through hell and high water to be together so I know you not bout to throw all away over some petty ass argument." Malcolm scolded.

There was a pause and then Malcolm hung up.

"He need a few. Just give it a couple hours and he'll be back. I'm bout to go talk to yo doctor to see what's up. No more stupid shit please." Malcolm mushed my head before standing up and leaving.

After Malcolm left I was just left with my thoughts. And after thinking for about thirty minutes all I really wanted to do was call King and apologize.

When I'm mad I just say stupid shit. Setting up and killing Sko really wouldn't do shit but make everything even more worse.

"Fuck this." I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed King.

It rang for a little bit and then he answered. He was in a hotel room.

"Where you at?" I questioned.

"You don't care dawg." He shook his head.

I had to swallow my pride and just chalk it up on this one.

"Why you talking to me like that? I get I said some fucked up shit but don't act crazy on me." I spoke softly.

"Nah I'm yo problem right?" He deadpanned.

"Just come back so we can talk please."

"For what Kaiser? You made it clear you'n give a fuck what I say or what I be tryna protect you from. So from now on you got it. Imma go about my life and you go bout yours." He shrugged.

"So fuck all the shit we been through? I say some dumb shit and it's just fuck it I'm done. But when it's you, I'm supposed to forgive and forget!" I raised my voice a little.

"I ain't say I'm perfect. But if the shoe was on the other foot and I said that shit to you, you'd be on a rampage." He countered.

"Either come back so we can talk or we can just leave it where it's at." I demanded.

"You ain't in no place to be making ultimatums, Kai." He shook his head.

His face had softened so I knew I was wearing him down.

"I'm not but you know your not my problem. If anything your my only solution." I winked.

He let out a little chuckle and then put his entire face in the camera.

"You mad corny." He shook his head still laughing.

"Only around you. You coming back or not?" I questioned.

"Fine. You got me I'll be over there in a lil bit." He stood up and headed toward the door.

"Nigga you had your shoes on already?"

"I never took em off. I knew yo ass would call and apologize and I'd be right back over there." He smirked.

"But technically I didn't apologize." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'll make you. Don't worry bout it." He winked.

There wasn't much I could say. I just tried to fight the smile spreading on my face.

"Yeah go head and smile for me." He teased.

I just rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you when you get here." I grinned as I hung up.

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