•Forty Two•

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I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes. I could barely see around me but I could hear beeping. Kind of like a heart monitor. I tried to focus my eyes so I could see but it was just too much light so I kept my eyes closed for a while. I couldn't move my body it felt like I had a weight just laying on top of me. I tried to move again and pain shot through my body like someone had beat me damn near to death. I cried out in pain and then somebody rushed over to me.

"She is awake." A voice called out.

I felt cold metal touching my chest and tried to open my eyes again. It was a doctor with brown hair and hazel eyes. She was looking down at me urgently.

"Can you tell me your name?" She asked shining a small light into my eyes as she lifted my eyelids.

I tried to speak but my throat was hurting. I motioned toward my throat and she handed me a cup with a straw. I drank the water and cleared my throat a couple times but my words still came out scratchy.

"K-Kaiser Brown." I answered.

She wrote my name down and checked my heart beat again.

"Kaiser can you tell me what happened to you?" She pulled up a chair and sat next to my bed side.

"I was with my brother and boyfriend and we were walking and then someone did a drive by." I lied.

"Can you describe the car?"

"A red sedan. License plate AX6-D74."

I gave her the description of Hakeem's car.

"Did you see the driver or anyone else in the vehicle?"

"No. By the time I saw the car I was already on the ground."

"Do you have the number of your brother and boyfriend?"

I gave her both Malcolm and King's number.

"How did I get here?" I questioned.

"A woman by the name of Iaja brought you. She said she was your best friend however we could not allow her to see you considering she isn't family. Would you like to see her?"

"Yes please." I nodded quickly.

She left the room and I took this time to survey my body. From the looks of it, I had gotten shot in the stomach and grazed on my side.

The door flew open and Iaja came running in throwing her arms around me.

"Oh my God, Kai! I thought you were dead!" She pulled away crying.

"What happened?" I asked her.

I remembered everything. But what I don't remember is how Iaja got in the mix.

"Well you had left so fast from Iguanas that you dropped your phone. I used your MacBook location to bring it back to your house but when I got there I heard gunshots. Then I heard Malcolm and King screaming. I ran up to the roof and that's when I saw you. I thought you were dead. They couldn't bring you because then that would raise questions. So they asked me to do it, well Malcolm asked me. King wanted to come with but it was too risky. I drove as fast as I could cause there was blood everywhere. I got you here in time and they took you into emergency surgery. After that they placed you here in recovery and I had to wait for you to wake up to see you." She explained.

"How long was I out?"

"It's been three days."

Three whole fucking days.

"Did King or Malcolm call?"

"Nonstop. I've been trying to update them as much as possible but there was only so much I could tell them since I wasn't allowed in here."

"Thank you so much, Iaja. You saved my life."

"Of course. I can't have my best friend dying on me." She giggled.

"Did they tell you what happened?"

"Yeah and honestly I didn't expect Malcolm to go berserk like that. All of that just because you and King are dating?" She frowned.

"It was the principle of it all. Malcolm knows how King treats women. He wasn't always this sweet loving person. He was a dog. Malcolm thought King was fucking around on me and I was just following around like a lost puppy. Or worse he thought me and King was just fucking for the hell of it. But that's not the case. I'm in love, Iaja."

"Love can make you do some stupid things."

"Stupid?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"All I'm saying is, before you go diving in front of bullets for somebody make sure they'd do the same for you." She advised.

"I have no doubt that King would take a bullet for me." I folded my arms.

"I know that. But if it were my girl up in here shot up from bullets that had my name on em, I'd be by her side. Fuck the risks." She shrugged standing up.

I let what she said sink in before she spoke again.

"I'm gonna go get you some food, just try and rest." She smiled.

She left the room and the weight of her words set in.

After a while I started to think about what she was saying. I know for a fact that if the tables were turned and King was sitting up in here because somebody was aiming at me and he got shot trying to save me I'd have my ass in here trying to make sure he was ok. Fuck the risks.

This mufucka got me fucked up.

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