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Today was Saturday. And Ebony's party was tonight. I honestly didn't want to go because I can't stand Ebony. But the guys wanted to go and I didn't really want to sit in this house on a Saturday night so I guess I was going.

Malcolm was in the kitchen making lunch and King was in the living room watching tv.

"Malc!" I yelled as I walked towards the kitchen.

"Wassup?" He asked taking out some chips and pickles.

"It's a party tonight at Ebony house and I lowkey wanna go so I'm really here to ask can I go?" I asked nicely.

"No. You on punishment." He stated flatly.

I was taken aback because he usually let me go out. So the fact that he was saying no was understandable but I still wasn't trying to sit in this house all damn day.

"Ok. I understand I'm on punishment but, everybody is gonna be at the party and I don't wanna sit around here all day. So can I just go to the party for an hour and just come back home and finish my school work?" I bargained as he made a sandwich.

"No. What part of punishment don't you understand, Kai. I gave you leeway by letting you keep yo phone but as for that party it's a done deal. The answer is no." He shook his head making two sandwiches.

"So I can I go out with Alec then?" I folded my arms.

"No. Because I know Alec just gonna take you straight to that party. You can invite them here but you can't go out. That's how punishment works." He pat my head like I was a dog and walked past me with the sandwiches.

Not only did Malcolm just pat my head like I was a kid but I was mad because I thought the least he could do was let me go out considering I've been busting my ass at school all week. I was definitely going to that party tonight.

Around 9:30 pm I went downstairs and Malcolm was gone but King was still sitting on the couch.

"What you doing here? And where is Malcolm?" I questioned folding my arms.

"He went to handle some business. I'm here to make sure yo lil hard headed ass stay in this house tonight." He sat up and turned the tv off.

"I don't need a babysitter. I don't know why Malcolm told you to watch me like I'm a four year old." I scoffed.

"You forget about our last parlay? You was somewhere you had no business being while you was sposed to be in school. So yeah you must do need a babysitter." He fired back.

"If this bout yo bloody nose I said sorry. How long you gone hold that to yo chest?" I rolled my eyes.

"This ain't bout that. I'm helping Malc out by helping yo bad ass." He looked me up and down.

"Nigga you don't know me." I mugged him.

"I know enough. Malc be telling me bout yo ass. You ain't slick. I know enough to know you a hard headed, rebellious, spoiled, know it all lil girl who need her ass whooped." He continued.

"Nigga fuck all that! Who gon whoop me? You? I'm not scared of you! I ain't scared of no man on this Earth!" I stepped up to him.

He stood up and got in my face.

"That lil puff in yo chest and base in yo voice might work wit them niggas at yo school and Malcolm but that shit don't work wit me. You don't scare me Kaiser. Now take yo ass to yo room for shit go left and I have back the fuck outta you." He hissed.

I'm not gon lie it shocked me that King didn't back down but I didn't let it show.

"Back the fuck out me then, since you so fucking tough. Like I said I ain't scared of no man." I whispered angrily.

He had this look in his eye like he was shocked too but he quickly masked it.

"Man watch out. You ain't as tough as you think you is Kaiser. Plus I would hate to have to explain to yo brother how you got a black eye." He bumped my shoulder and walked past me.

"At the end of the day I'm as tough as I need to be and that's all that matters." I smirked walking towards the stairs.

~King POV~

Yo what the fuck is Malcolm raising? I knew Kai was tough but she act just like a nigga. Most men would've backed the fuck down and most females would have ran the fuck off.

But not Kai.

She was a different fucking breed.

I couldn't stand her for that simple fact.

But I told Malc I would keep a eye on her in case she tried to sneak out to that lil party or some shit. But watching her was getting kind of boring and I wasn't tryna be around her right now. Specially wit that whatever the fuck you call it we just had. I got me a beer out the fridge and made my way back to living room. I looked up the stairs and her door was closed but the lights was off so I knew something was up.

I went to her room door and pressed my ear against. I could hear shuffling in the room.

"Ayo Kai what you doing in there?" I knocked on the door.

"Nigga mind yo business. I'm watching a movie on Netflix." She shouted back.

I just rolled my eyes and went back downstairs making my place on the couch.

~Kaiser POV~

I heard King go back downstairs and I jumped out my bed.

I was going to the party, even if I was gon be late.

I shoved a pillow inside one of my night shirts and put my bonnet on top. I pulled the covers over the pillow.

I pulled up a four hour video of people snoring on my laptop and pressed play, then slid the laptop under my bed.

I had to get dressed in the dark cause I knew if the light turned on King would bring his big headed ass up here. But lucky for me I had put my outfit out when I first asked Malcolm.

I got dressed and threw my hair in a bun.

I got dressed and threw my hair in a bun

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"Period pooh" I whispered to myself.

I opened my bedroom window and hopped out of it onto the trash bins.

"Fuck!" I hissed quietly limping toward the sidewalk.

I limped a block away and then decided to call Alec to pick me up.

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