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When I got to school, I think word got around that me and the guys were on bad terms because everybody was smiling up in my face and asking me shit about them. 

"I heard she tried to fuck one of them."

"Nah fuck that she too pretty for one of them niggas."

"Y'all know she don't date niggas from this school."

"Them niggas mad corny if you ask me."

I really didn't care too much about what people were saying because it was honestly above me. 

Most if not all of the people at school knew about me so I already knew it was gonna be hectic tryna find some people to chill with for the day. I only really needed one person to hang with.

I was walking through the hallway when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl from my homeroom, her name was Jazlyn.

"Hey sis wassup." She smiled at me.

"Hi, nothing much just vibing." I shrugged.

"Ok but I'mma keep it a buck wit you, what happened between you and the guys?" She asked.

Even though I barely knew her I appreciated that she came right out and asked instead of tryna act like we were friends tryna get info outta me.

"Uh, sometimes people just out grow each other and become different people." I kept it as blunt as possible.

"Oh, ok. Well word around is you chilling by yoself so me and some of my friends wanted to know if you wanted to come and hang with us." She asked.

I didn't really wanna hang with a lot of people but what if they were really fun to be around.

"Uh cool I got Mrs. Cook before lunch so you can find me around there during lunch." I grinned.

"Ok bet. See you later!" She waved walking in a different direction.

I continued walking around the school until I got a FaceTime call from King.

I nearly dropped my phone tryna look cute and answer.

"Hey baby, good morning." I greeted.

"Damn I leave for a night and I'm already baby, shidddd I better be daddy by the end of the week." He smirked.

"Shut up! Anyways, what's going on how was yo flight?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"It was straight we just made it here so I'm tired but I had to call you before I go to sleep." He replied.

"Ok, well go head and go to sleep, I'm at school." I looked around the empty hallways.

"You?! Your at school early? What happened?" He looked shocked.

"Me and the guys got into it so I'm on the lookout for some new people to chill wit." I sighed.

"Ay don't make me have to come back and shoot a nigga bout chu." He waved his gun in the camera.

"Put the damn gun up and go to bed." I scolded him.

"Alright alright, good luck finding some folks." He chuckled.

The bell rang and I walked to class as he was unpacking for the trip.

I sat down in class and Reggie was in his seat. I sat in my seat and looked down at the phone.

"I'mma call you when I get outta school, ok?" I was about to hang up.

"Bet that up, baby." He winked.

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