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After dinner, Iaja asked Malcolm if I could sleep over at her house which made me look at her weird. Considering she had a dorm and it was maybe like an hour away, we usually never had sleep overs.

"Bet. Just don't get into nothing crazy." He kissed my forehead as he warned us.

"Ok." We both said in unison.

He walked off and went to his car.

"Iaja what you got going on? What's the plan?" I looked at her.

"Wellllll I seen how you and King been looking at each other all night so go have a good night wit yo boo thang." She smirked.

"Iaja bitch I love you." I pulled her into a hug.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Ok now go cause he staring you down." She hugged me back.

I walked over to King and leaned on him wrapping my arms around his body.

"What chu bout to get into?" I asked.

"Nun bout to just slide to the crib." He wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Ok. Sleepover?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

He looked like I had just asked him a million dollar question.

"Malcolm letting you spend the night somewhere?" He asked.

"Iaja told him I was staying with her so I could come lay up wit chu." I explained.

"Well shit let's go." He picked me up and opened the passenger side door.

"Ohhhh he want me to spend the night." I stuck out my tongue.

He got in the drivers seat and drove to his house.


We pulled up to his house. King lived in a nice apartment complex in Bayside.

"This is so pretty." I looked around.

He parked his car and got out. 

I got out the car and looked around his neighborhood. It was really nice.

The apartments were modern and painted a nice off white color. The sidewalks had trees separating them from the apartment entrances. Each tree had fairy lights connecting them to the next. It was giving me very much "he got money".

"Come on." He held his hand out.

I took his hand and he led me toward a door behind the trees.

He scanned an all white card and the door beeped.

He opened it and I'm guessing this was the lobby to the building. There was a door man sitting at a desk. King gave him a head nod as he led me to the elevator. He scanned his white card again and it immediately open. We went into the elevator and it closed and started moving up without him having to press a floor number. The back of the elevator was glass and as it went up you had a view of the city. It was beautiful. 

As I was admiring the view, King was watching my face with a small smile on his face.

"Stop staring at me." I blushed turning away from him. 

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