•Fifty Five•

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*5 Days Later*

I woke up to my alarm going off and almost jumped out of the bed. Today was the day I was getting out of the hospital and tonight was gonna be my fake party to trap Jazlyn, Yazmeen, and Dejonae. 

"Good morning." Malcolm came into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth.

"Morning." I grumbled. 

I was super tired. For the past couple of nights I hadn't been getting any sleep. I was too busy trying to figure out this whole Sko thing. Just because we were plotting on him, didn't mean Smoke wouldn't come after us next. 

"What about Smoke?" I questioned Malcolm.

"What about him?" Malcolm frowned.

"Won't he come after us since we made a move on Sko?" I started washing my face.

"That's something Junior has to worry about. You just have to get Sko." He put his hand on my shoulder before leaving the bathroom.

After he left I took a quick shower and got dressed. 

Nurse Ava came in with breakfast and checked my vitals.

"Ready to go home?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed making her and Malcolm laugh.

"Alright. Well, the doctor will be in within a couple minutes to check you out as well as coming with your discharge papers." She continued.

After she was done she left the room.

"You sure you ready to do this tonight? You don't wanna wait until like next week or sumn?" Malcolm asked. 

"Better now than never. We need to get this over with as soon as possible. The sooner I can go back to being normal the better. I'm ready." I sighed.

"Ok, as long as your confident that's all that matters." He gave me a quick hug.

The doctor came in and handed Malcolm my discharge papers.

"Already I'm just gonna check how you're healing and we'll see about you getting on your way." She came into the room.

She lifted my shirt and pressed gently against the surrounding area of the wound. 

"Any tenderness?" She questioned.

"No." I answered.

She checked for any redness and then went around to the exit wound. She pressed gently again and asked me again. 

"Alrighty any signs of fever or sickness?" She asked.

"Nope. I feel perfectly fine." I smiled.

"Is that a smile? I think that's the first time I've seen you smile all month." She joked.

"I smile." I chuckled rolling my eyes.

"Ok I'm gonna let you go home today. But you have to schedule your first physical therapy appointment today before you leave." She advised.

"No problem. Thank you." I grinned.

I felt like I had just won a race.

After the doctor left I started packing my bags as Malcolm went downstairs to book my appointment. I texted King to let him know they were letting me out today.

Then I put my plan into effect.

I started a group FaceTime call with me, Jazlyn, Dejonae, and Yazmeen.

"Oh my God! Hey girl!" Dejonae cheered.

"Hey y'all! Good news they letting me out the hospital!" I exclaimed.

"Yesssss! Ok so when can we come see you?!" Jazlyn questioned.

"I'm having a lil kickback tonight so y'all can slide through." I lied.

"Okkkk. My good sis said right back to the shit. Period. Ok we will definitely see you tonight. Text us the time and addy." Yazmeen demanded.

"Of course. I'm bout to drop it. It's at eight so don't be late. Bring a bottle or sumn so we can turn up the right way!" I grinned fakely as I sent them my old address in Sterling.

"Oh my girl is back back! Just in time for prom and graduation too!" Jazlyn continued.

We talked for a couple more minutes but I wasn't really listening to them. 

"Alright y'all I gotta go I'm bout to leave the hospital." I made an excuse to hang up on them.

"Bet. Ok sis see you tonight. We love you!" Yazmeen blew a kiss to the screen.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Love y'all too! I'mma drop the addy later today." I confirmed before hanging up.

"Fake ass opp ass hoes." I grimaced to myself.

Malcolm came back in the room.

"You all set. You ready?" He asked.

"Yep let's go. Where we headed?" I handed him my back walking toward the door.

"Trap. You gotta debrief the team on your plan and tell us what our role is. I had a car pick up Iaja ten minutes ago." 

"Okkkkk. Bet. I already set my plan into motion but I'll let you in on everything on the drive down to Sterling." 

We walked out of the room and two goons were waiting.

"The dudes?" I motioned to them.

"Your an acting member in the gang right now, your safety cannot be compromised under any circumstance." He explicated.

We got into the elevator and rode it all the way down. Once the doors opened, I saw Nurse Ava at the discharge desk.

"Bye, Nurse Ava!" I walked over and gave her a hug.

"Alright now baby, you have a beautiful recovery and you better send me some prom and graduation pictures." She gave me a firm hug while pinching my cheek.

"I will! I will!" I giggled.

We walked out of the hospital and an all black sprinter with tinted windows was waiting on us.


Guess what y'all...King & Kaiser: The Sims 4 Series is almost out! It's literally time to film I'm mad excited and nervous to see if y'all rock with. Follow my IG and Twitter for updates and to watch the intro to the series.

IG- yng_txc

Twitter: yngtxc

Twitter is where I give the updates about filming, sneak peeks, and the filming process. Instagram is where you get the visuals. Also make sure to follow the channel yngtxc on YouTube to watch the series.

Thank y'all so much for the love and support y'all don't know how much it meanssss! 

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