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After school I was way too nervous to even hang out with the guys. I didn't tell the guys about the date because frankly, I don't know what King's intentions are with me. I don't even know my intentions with him. All I know is there was a kiss and now there's a date.

I asked Keem to drop me off straight home because I was too nervous to even hang around after school. Plus I wanted to figure out what to put on. 

"Alright Kai, Imma fuck wit chu." Keem snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh-alright bet." I got out the car and went inside.

"Wassup lil sis, how was school?" Malcolm questioned.

"Good, what you do all day?" I asked.

"Had some buisness to take care of then chopped it up with King." He answered.

"What King talking bout?" I wanted to see if he hinted at our date tonight.

"He taking some girl out on a date tonight. He sound like she might tie him down the way he was talking." Malcolm grinned.

My heart fluttered a little bit.

"Did he describe her?" I pryed.

"Nah, he said he wanna see where it go first. I don't know I feel like this one got him feeling some typa way. He moving different." Malcolm shrugged.

"Hmmm, I hope it goes good for him." I replied fighting the smile on my face.

"Me too. Might try to find me love, I'm getting too old for this hit and quit shit." 

"Nigga first of all I gotta meet the girl off jump and you know that, second of all your twenty-five you got hella time. Now if you still hittin and quittin by thirty, Imma be a lil worried." I chuckled.

"Shiddd whatever, Kai." He rolled his eyes.

I went upstairs and bussed down on my homework while looking through my closet to figure out what I was gonna wear tonight. I wanted to be cute but I also wanted to switch it up. 


At seven, I started getting ready. I shaved my legs and arms and made sure I smelled good. I oiled my scalp and put my hair in a bun, leaving a few strands out. I put on my dress and added my jacket and heels.

I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself

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I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself. I looked different. But a good different.

I sprayed some rose scented body mist on myself and sat on my bed. It was 8:01.


It had gotten to be midnight and I had taken my clothes off put on my pajamas. One thing about it is, I was actually looking forward to tonight. But King had shown me just how much this meant to him, just how much I meant to him. I should have known from the moment he told me the kiss meant nothing that he didn't take me seriously. I genuinely wasn't hurt though, people disappoint me all the time. That's just life. I turned out my lights and put my phone on DND in case he decided to call or text me with some dumb excuse.

I'm not one for excuses. Especially not from people I trusted.


The next morning I didn't feel like myself. I felt like I wanted to just lay in my bed all day and just sleep. But I knew Malcolm wasn't gonna let me stay home without a good excuse. So I just got out of bed and got ready for school. I checked my phone and had about ten missed calls from King. I just ignored them and continued getting ready.

I threw my hair in a bun and grabbed my backpack and went downstairs

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I threw my hair in a bun and grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

The audacity that King was in my kitchen right now was astonishing. 

"Tuh." I chuckled shaking my head.

His head snapped up to me.

"Please let me explain, Kai." He rushed over to me.

"Save your excuses for a dumb bitch, not me."  I rolled my eyes walking past his car.

School was walking distance.

"Just let me drive you to school and I'll tell you everything" He begged.

"Nope. Everytime I get in your car, you tell me another lie so I think I'll walk today." I folded my arms.

"Kai please. I know it's fucked up what happened but I swear, I would never do some fucked up shit to you on purpose." He continued.

I just popped my headphones in my ears and started blasting my music.

He stopped walking once he realized I wasn't trying to hear what he had to say.

I made it to school, and the guys were heading inside.

"Damn Kai you look more pissed off than usual." Keem commented.

"I am." I huffed." 

"Who ass we beating?" Alec interjected.

"He carry guns." I stated simply.

They all stopped and paused.

"Yeah, I gave a nigga a chance and he blew it. That's it that's all. Can we go to class before we be late please?" I rolled my eyes.

We walked to class with them looking dumbfounded.

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