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We went into the house and it was jam packed. We had to squeeze and excuse our way to the kitchen.

"What we drinking?" I asked.

She grabbed two cups and poured half pineapple juice and half tequila.

"Drink up babes!" She cheered.

We took our drinks and walked to the living room.

There was so many people in the living room there wasn't any space to dance.

"Where we gon dance at?" Iaja looked around and then stopped, her eyes landing on somebody.

"Wait, ain't that yo lil boo thang over there?" She pointed.

I looked up and King was sitting on a couch with some people, staring me down.

"Tuh, girl I don't care. I'm here to have a great time." I rolled my eyes.

But then something came over me.

I walked over to right in front of where King was sitting and handed Iaja my drink.

"Hey boo, I thought you had plans?" I folded my arms.

"Kai chill out bruh." He waved me off.

I just nodded and took my drink from Iaja and threw it back.

I looked to my right and there was a table next to the speaker where the music was playing.

I grabbed Iaja's hand and walked toward the table. I got up on the table and pulled her up on the table.

We started dancing to the music, and then I took it a step further and started throwing it back on Iaja.

Not even a minute later, King grabbed me by the arm and got me off the table.

He manuvered through the crowd and we got to the kitchen. All the while I was trying to get out of his grasp but he had a hold on me.

There was a side door leading outside and he pulled me through the door.

Outside the door, there was a stair case leading up to the side door. I tried to push past him but he just stood in my way.

"Kai stop playing wit me bruh, sit the fuck down so we can talk this shit out." He demanded.

I took a deep breath and sat on the railing to the staircase as he kept glaring at me.

"You gon talk or keep staring at me?" I hissed.

"I'm trying to understand why you keep testing the fuck outta me? Do you get amusement out that shit or is it just me?" He spoke lowly.

"Nigga you forget what the fuck just happened not even a day ago. Are you fucking kidding me?" I spat.

"If you would have let me explain like I was tryna do earlier we wouldn't be here right now. Some shit wit Junior came up and we had to have an emergency meeting. I couldn't call you cause yo brother was deadass sitting next to me so how the fuck was I gonna call or text?" He questioned.

"I stayed in my clothes until midnight so you telling me from eight at night until then you couldn't text me or anything? Fuck you!" I spat.

"Look at your phone, we got out the meeting at one in the morning, the minute I could I called you. You ain't answer, I called you multiple times. Don't believe me just ask Malcolm what time he got home the other night." He responded.

I just shook my head.

"King, I don't think you understand how much effort I put into this. I try to be different and do all this other shit to make a change like you be telling me and it's like I'm making change for somebody that really just don't give a fuck. That's what you giving me right now. I change my attitude, I change everything about myself, your making me give a fuck and I fucking hate it. You've known me since we was all kids have you ever known me to give a fuck?" I asked seriously.


"What are we doing here? Your making me care about shit and you don't see me trying? Does all my bad out way my good? I got dressed up and you never came. Not one text. Not one phone call. That hurt. I don't let it show but that hurt me. I never let anybody in. Not any nigga, not any bitch, not even my friends. But you, you got in and you got to me. Don't ever take that shit lightly." I hopped off the railing and tried to walk in the house.

He stopped me and pulled me close to him.

"I don't take anything that has to do with you lightly. You don't gotta change ya self just to make me happy. I like you the way you are. You just need to fix yo attitude cause that'll get you fucked up fucking wit me. I take you serious, Kai. Shit gets in the way from work and you know that. I ain't mean to stand you up. Work fucked everything up and now your mad at me." He held me close to him.

"I'm not that mad." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't believe you." He brought his face closer to mine.

"You don't have to." I closed the space between us.

"I wanna kiss you." He whispered.

"Then do it." I challenged.

He pulled me in front of him and walked towards the railing. He picked me up and sat me on the railing and brought my chin up with his index finger and thumb.

"Don't tease me, Kai."

"It's not teasing if I'm serious."

He took his chance and put his lips on mine. It reminded me of the first time we kissed.

His hands slid down to my lower back as he pressed my body into his. My hands were around his neck, my fingers running soft circles into his skin.

He pulled apart and he cracked a smile, his bottom grills showing.

"Now was that so hard?" He ran his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Shut up. I just know you bet not stand me up again or I'm whooping yo ass." I got down off the railing.

We walked back inside with his arm around my neck.

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