•Fifty Four•

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After we went over the entire plan about thirty times everybody was finally down and understood their roles. It was getting late so everybody was going home. But King was still hanging around.

We were laying on the couch watching tv when I had to get up and pee. I was in the bathroom when I heard the door open and then close. I knew it wasn't a nurse because they had just come to check on me not too long ago. 

I came back out and King had a bed table on the bed. It had candles and dinner on it and he had music playing.

"King what's all this." I cooed.

"Kai ever since everything unfolded I feel like we ain't have no time for me and you. It's been crazy ever since Sko rolled up on you and I just wanna show you I still feel the same way I felt when we first started talking. So this is our first date." He walked over to me and took my hand.

We sat down on either side of the bed table and he had grilled salmon, shrimp, mashed potatoes, and brocoli.

"Awww babe you didn't have to do all this for me." I felt my heart skipping beats.

"Kai I just wanna show you that I love you. These days I feel like I just get caught up in Malcolm and Junior bs that I'on tell you that enough." He continued.

"I feel the same way. I been so caught up on getting everything back to normal I lose sight of you and me. But that ends tonight. Here's to putting each other first." I held out my pinky.

He let out a laugh and wrapped his pinky around mine.

"You cooked this by yourself?" I asked in shock since the food was so good.

"Not all me, my auntie's recipe." He smiled.

"Does she live in Sterling?" I questioned.

"No. She used to but I got her out. She lives in Harling now." 

"Aww, do you still keep in touch with her?"

"Nah. My family don't really rock wit me too heavy after finding out I'm not really a contractor. They want the money but not the truth." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry to hear that, babe." I put my hand on top of his.

"It's cool ya know I still send them money cause at the end of the day I'mma make sure my people straight. It's no bad blood." He continued.

"Ok, if you could build a perfect life what would it look like?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"From birth till end or at my age right now?" He countered.

"Birth till end." I answered with a smile.

"Alright, uhm I'd still have my same parents. I would've grew up in the same neighborhood. Cause ya know it don't get no better than Sterling. The only thing I'd probably change is the life I live now. I wish I could get out cause shit getting outta pocket. I'm just having a change of heart when it comes to the game." 

"You want out?" 

"Sometimes I do sometimes I don't. I just know even if I did want out I'd have to die in this shit." 

I got quiet because it was getting real sad. I didn't know what to say. He was usually the one out of the two of us that was good with stuff like this. All I could really do was listen.

"So even if you wanted out Junior wouldn't let you. I thought y'all were supposed to be the best of buds?" I frowned.

"Junior is family. But at the end of the day business is business. And if I'm standing in the way of his business and make him choose between everything he done sacrificed for or me, you best believe he ain't choosing me. Shit I wouldn't choose me. Cause soon as he let me out whose to say I'm not gon go off to somebody like Sko, ayo boom this where that nigga Junior traps at. This his suppliers, this when the shit coming in this how much shit coming in all that typa shit." He explained.

"So if you wanted out what would you have to do." 

"Shit pay that nigga Junior five billion to spare my life." He shook his head as he continued to finish his food.

"Ain't no way!" I shook my head in shock.

"That's the game. I keep working to get that money but fast money get spent just as fast as you make it so you trapped. Unless you stacking forreal but even then I'll be working under that nigga Junior till he not even head no mo, he'll just be another old head who passed the game down. And I bet you he pass that shit right down to Malcolm." 

I just kept letting King talk because he was putting me up on game. Before all of this, I never knew anything about the game. I just knew what I observed. But this shit was hitting me deep with King.

"Have you ever seen anybody buy they way out?" I cleaned my mouth and hands after I finished my food.

"I had a nigga once. His name was Karlos. Basically we get a certain percentage off every sale Junior make. Because we so far up we get a bigger percentage. But you never get enough to make the five bill. Cause why would he pay you up enough to get out? So Karlos started stealing on top of his percentage. Mind you whole time he talkin to me bout getting out and how Junior never gone find out. Soon as I heard I that I knew it was gon be me or him. Cause soon as he say some shit like that I'm sposed to go and hit Junior up cause that's some opp shit. So I had to choose between my mans or being seen as opp when they caught this nigga. So I ain't even have to cause some niggas caught on. After that we watched the nigga. And we calculated how much he was takin. It was just enough to being under the radar and not that noticeable he prolly would have got out. The nigga had the money, Kai! And I told this nigga don't go to Junior just fly yoself somewhere nobody know about and live a new life. Had a wife and two kids. So boom the nigga on the way to Junior after I told this mufucka not to bring that damn money to this man! I remember walking in the trap they had this man down on the ground. His wife and two daughters crying being at gunpoint. Had the money machines running counting that shit up. Soon as that shit hit five billion, them niggas from earlier ran in and was like ayo Junior that nigga tryna pull a fast one. Told on that man right then and there. Junior matched his numbers and all of sudden the case to the missing money was solved. Before that nigga had a chance to open his mouth his wife and two kids got put down. He distraught, the scream he let out that shit haunt me to dis day. The look on his face made me have to leave the room. I leave this man crying out to God begging for mercy. I knew not to even think about playing wit Junior. That's when this shit stopped being a game. Cause just like that could be his wife and two daughters that could be you and our kids wit me screaming out. This shit ain't what it's cut out to be all the time." He shook his head.

By the time he was done I was ready to just crawl into a hole and cry. For him, I'm his everything. He said our kids. The story was affecting me too because I never took into consideration what Malcolm had signed away when he joined the game. And now, King had signed away just as much.


Hey y'all! Ok so extra long chapter cause I love y'all. But the characters for the first episode of King & Kaiser: The Sims 4 Series are complete! Super excited and can't wait to show y'all them once I have everybody do a photo op you can see the cast pictures at my IG:

@ yng_txc

But the page is under construction as well as my channel where the video series will be. So stay tuned for all that! Love y'all so freaking much and thanks for all the support.

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