•Forty One•

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I got to the front door and unlocked it. 

Malcolm was still sitting on the couch but King was gone. 

"You ain't get the coffee?" Malcolm asked.

"Where's King?" I asked sitting down on the couch furthest away from him.

"Why? What you need King for?" He narrowed his eyes at me with a smirk on his face.

"Malcolm, why you acting like that?" I questioned nervously.

"You the one asking for King and shit. The nigga left bout ten minutes ago." He continued.

"His truck is still outside." I let out a shaky breath.

There was a moment of silence before I jumped up and ran towards the steps but Malcolm was on my ass. My heart was pounding as I tried to make it to my room but Malcolm hit me over the head with something and everything went black.


When I woke up it was dark outside and I was in my bed. I jumped out of bed and tried to find my phone but no matter where I looked it was no where to be found.

"Shit shit shit." I paced my room as I started to panic.

I took a couple deep breaths and built up the courage to press my ear to the door. I could hear Malcolm talking. I opened the door quietly and there was a light on downstairs. I peeked over the banister and saw King tied up and Malcolm was talking.

"My baby sister nigga?" Malcolm questioned walking back and forth.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like that, Malc." King responded.

I was just glad he was still alive and breathing.

"Then how the fuck was it supposed to happen?!" Malcolm swung and hit King in the jaw.

King groaned and spit out blood.

"You supposed to be my best friend! My nigga! My day one and you movin on my lil sister?! So fuck me huh?! Fuck Malcolm! He never gon find out I'm tryna fuck on Kaiser!" He shouted.

"It ain't bout that bro!" 

"Then what the fuck is it about?!" Malcolm got in his face.

"I'm in love wit her." King revealed.

Malcolm cocked back and hit King so hard the chair fell backwards.

"Shut that pussy ass shit up nigga! She seven fucking teen she don't know shit bout love!" I could see that Malcolm had a gun in his waist band.

I had to get King the fuck outta here.

Malcolm's phone started ringing and he looked at it.

"It's Junior. Wait till he hear bout this shit nigga. It's clipped for you bitch." Malcolm stepped over King and went out the front door.

I took my chance and ran down the steps and over to King.

"King?! Get up we have to get you outta here, he's gonna kill you!" I rushed to untie him.

"Kai, baby, this ain't got nothing to do wit you. Just go back upstairs and act like you ain't never see shit." He grunted.

"No! I'm not gonna let him kill you! Get the fuck up and let's go!" I pulled him up and tried to figure out how we were gonna get outta here.

"We can't go out the front so let's go out a window or something." I planned.

King looked around and then took my hand.

"Kaiser, I'm not putting you in danger like this. Let me deal with Malcolm, everything will be ok." 

"Fuck no! We're in this together. Don't back out on me now! I'm not letting you die!" I gritted.

Malcolm came back inside and saw King was untied.

"Run!" King shouted taking my hand.

We ran toward the back door which led to the roof top. Malcolm was right behind us. We got to the stairs to go up to the roof and Malcolm grabbed my ankle.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I used my free leg to kick him.

He tumbled back down and I got up and started running up the steps with King. We opened the roof access door and couldn't see a way down.

"Shit!" I spat.

The only way down was to either jump or go back the way we came.

"What we gon do now?" I questioned running to each edge to see if there was something we could land on.

Malcolm burst through the roof access door and I ran over to King's side.

"So this who we are, Kai?! You gon choose this nigga over family?!" He was out of breath.

He had a gun in his hand.

"Malcolm stop we can explain everything if you just give us a chance!" I felt myself starting to cry.

"Nah! Fuck that! Y'all had so many chances! So many opportunities to tell me! Had me out here looking stupid!" He was hunched over trying to catch his breath.

"We wanted to. It just never seemed like the right time." King countered.

"You supposed to be my boy! That's my little sister, nigga!" Malcolm stood up and we could see he was crying.

"I'm not a baby Malcolm! I'm in love and don't tell me I'm too young to know what love is! King makes me happy and I love him!" I shouted.

"Well, baby sis. You jsut gon have to learn to live without him." 

Malcolm raised his gun and fired two shots. I didn't want King to get hurt so I did the only logical thing I could think of:

I jumped in front of him.

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