•Forty Six•

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I spent the next couple of minutes coaching King, Junior, and Malcolm on their story so that all of our stories would match up. Cause if any detail wasn't together we would be fucked up.

"Y'all got it together?" I asked them after thirty minutes of them not being able to get it together.

"Kai we been through this like five times I think we got it." King reassured me.

"Ok. We'll see." I got back in the bed and threw the cover over my body.

Right after I got in bed there was a knock on the door.

King opened the door and it was Ms. Sanders and Officer PoLock.

"Malcolm Brown?" She questioned looking around the room.

"That's me." Malcolm stood up and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you. Ok, I'm gonna need everyone else to please exit the room as this is a serious matter." She looked to King and Junior.

King and Junior left the room leaving me and Malcolm.

"Mr. Brown can you verify your whereabouts for the last three days as we have been trying to reach you for some time in regards to Kaiser." Ms. Sanders questioned.

"I work a lot out in Brendleton so it isn't always easy to reach me. As soon as I heard about the accident, I flew in. Kaiser is all I have. I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to her." He answered.

"And what type of work do you do?" Officer PoLock butted in.

"I'm a contractor. Here's my business card." He handed over his card.

What the fuck?

"Mhm. It's been reported that you are affiliated in gang and drug related activity. Is that true?" Officer PoLock asked again.

"Where you would get something like that from I don't know. But you have my card. Feel free to check me out." He shrugged.

"You do realize had you not shown up in time Kaiser could have ended up in a group home?" Ms. Sanders frowned.

"I understand that. It does look irresponsible on my part but I'm here now." Malcolm was getting irritated.

"Listen we're just here to do what's best for Kaiser." Ms. Sanders argued.

"What's best for me is to stay with my brother! You wanna put me in a home full of strangers how the hell does that scream best interest?!" I snapped.

"Kai, chill out." Malcolm looked at me.

"Nah I'm so tired of them acting like they know what's best for me! It was hard for me in those places getting attached to people and then getting snatched back into a new home! That shit ain't best for me! I'm so fucking tired of y'all! Y'all take kids out of perfectly good homes and place em in shitty ones! I don't fucking deserve this!" I continued.

"Kaiser please calm down." Ms. Sanders stepped toward me.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down you have no idea what it was like there! I was alone! My brother couldn't adopt me for two years! Let that sink in! Two years of me getting put into home after home! Making friend after friend! After about the fifth home I stopped making friends cause what's the point if I'm just gonna be pulled out next week or next month. You put me in the system again I'll run away! Keep playing me!" I ranted.

It was silence and then Ms. Sanders looked between me and Malcolm.

"I think it best that you stay with Malcolm with surprise visits from me and Officer PoLock. You can take her home as soon as the doctor allows." Ms. Sanders looked to Malcolm.

"Thank you." Malcolm stood up and shook their hands.

I just settled back in my bed. I was released but still pissed at the same time. But it was best that I just shut up and let them leave.

After talking with Malcolm for a few more minutes they finally left.

That just left me and Malcolm in an awkward silence.

"You ok?" He looked at me.

I looked at him for a while and then broke down to tears.

He got up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Everything is so fucked up." I dropped my head so he couldn't see me cry.

"Kai please stop crying. We can fix this, we can fix everything." Malcolm tried to reassure me.

"How?! I have a bullet in my rib cage and you put it there! We can't go back home cause Sko wants both our heads. I have no friends except Iaja and everyday I fear Sko is gonna take her out too! Nothing is normal anymore it's all fucked up." I continued.

Malcolm was silent.

I wiped my eyes and took a couple deep breaths.

"I want to have a sit down with Sko." I finally spoke.

"Kai, what the fuck!" Malcolm exclaimed.

"Listen, I wanna know why there's a hit on me from his mouth. I wanna go back home and back to my life. This is my last year and I'm not taking it for granted. Either get me a meeting with Sko or I'll get it myself." 

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