•Thirty Seven•

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I rushed back to the waiting room and told everyone they could go up and see Malcolm.

"I'll be up in a lil bit." I waved them off as they got on the elevator.

Before King could get on the elevator with them I reached my hand out and pressed the third floor button so the doors would close.

"What the-?" He frowned.

The doors closed and I took his wrist and led him to the other elevator right beside the first one.

"Kai what is going on?" He asked as we got on the elevator.

"I don't have a lot of time just listen." I started.

He just nodded and leaned on the wall.

"Up there in Harling Malcolm had a meeting with Sko where he played a recording of Reggie talking about me and you. After the recording was played, a shoot out started and that's how Malcolm got shot. When I went up there a few minutes ago he was questioning me and saying me and you were fucking around. I got it out of his head but I didn't confess because that's too big of a bomb to drop on him while he's in here and I didn't wanna drop it on him without talking to you first."  I rushed everything out.

He was quiet at first, just looking at me in amazement. We got to the third floor of the elevator and he went out without saying a word.

I followed behind him but pulled him back once he got to Malcolm's hospital room door.

"Can you say something so I know we're on the same page?" I frowned.

"Where do I even start wit this shit Kai. How did Reggie even find out what was going between us in the first place to even open his big ass mouth to Sko who dropped that shit to Malcolm."  He whispered angrily in my face.

"Ok I may have said a few things but correct me if I'm wrong we was kissing and boo'd up in public on multiple occasions so who the fuck knows who saw us." I argued.

"I'm not doing this shit right now, Kai." He turned and went into Malcolm's room.

I didn't even want to be near him so I decided to just get Malcolm his ice chips and leave.

I went down the hall and grabbed a big cup full of ice chips and headed back to Malcolm's room.

Everybody was talking and joking around when I walked in. King was sitting in the chair next to Malcolm's bed. I handed Malcolm the cup and turned on my heel.

"Woah ay where you running off too?" Malcolm asked.

"I'm tired so I'm gonna get up outta here and go get a hotel room or something." I sighed.

"Ok, let King take you cause the block is hot. Come see me later." Malcolm handed me his card and car keys.

"Cool. I'll be back later on tonight." I gave a hug and turned around headed for the door.

I walked out the room and headed for the elevator. It came up and I got on, King was right behind me. We rode the elevator in silence, both of us leaning on either side.

The doors opened on the first floor and I was the first to walk out.

I understand that I wasn't supposed to be telling my "friends" about me and King but it's hard not to talk about the one other person in this world that makes me happy. Not to mention when it came down to me and King in public we ain't keep the kissing and touching to a minimum. Reggie even seen us down on Bay Side the day before him and Malcolm went to Harling the first time.

At this point I didn't even want to talk about this anymore. I just wanted to shower and get in a bed.

It was nearly late in the afternoon so I was hungry too but at this point my appetite was gone. 

I got to Malcolm's car and King took the keys out of my hand.

I just rolled my eyes and got in the passenger seat. The ride to the hotel was quiet. King was blasting music and he usually did that when he was mad. But I don't care. I'm mad too. We should be talking about where we go from here but instead he wants to pout and be mad about shit that I already handled.

We made it to a hotel and got out. It was about an hour away from the hospital.

I let King handle everything for the room and just stood away from him.

He walked away from the front desk with two key cards in his hand and headed toward the elevator.

Once again we were on opposite sides of the elevator but this time, he was staring at me. I just ignored him because I knew he wasn't gonna say anything.

We made it to the room and it was a suite. There were two bedrooms and a living room with a full kitchen.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. I could feel King watching me so I turned around and met his gaze.

"You gonna speak or you gonna keep staring at me?" I questioned sitting on the kitchen counter.

"What's yo plan?" He asked simply.

"My plan?" I frowned.

"Where are we going from here?" King asked.

"I told you to had it handled but you wanted to fly off at the mouth on me. Malcolm doesn't suspect shit anymore thanks to fucking me." I spat.

"Malcolm is a paranoid mufucka! And you know that! So whatever story you told him that shit ain't gon hold for too long." King paced around.

"King this isn't my first rodeo with Malcolm. I been lying to him since I could talk. I'm a good liar especially when it comes to getting out of trouble."  I argued.

"So all of a sudden you such a great ass liar?" He mugged me.

"Did he interrogate the fuck out chu when you got to ass to his room? No right? Ok then so what the fuck are we arguing about?" I gritted.

"Because if it wasn't for you there wouldn't be no situation to lie out of! You should've just kept yo mouth shut from the jump and Reggie wouldn't have had shit to tell Sko!" He took a step toward me.

"Fuck it, King let's drop it there's nothing you or me can do except tell the truth if that's what you wanna do. I got us time to figure shit out but all you wanna do is argue." I waved him off.

"Nah you such an expert liar tell me what you said to him?" He questioned folding his arms.

"I said we weren't doing anything because I'm his sister and your his best friend. Drill that shit twenty billion more times and poof problem solved." I explained.

He took a step back and shook his head.

"We need to tell him." He deadpanned.

"When?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"I don't fucking know, Kai. Maybe when he gets out the hospital and goes back home and gets his arm together."

"So he can be back at full strength and kill us both?" I joked.

"Whatever. We need to tell him." He looked at me seriously.

"And we will. But right now I'm gonna get room service and go to sleep. Good night." I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek.

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