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After school I was over everything. I just wanted to go home and curl in a ball until my date with King. But then Malcolm was right outside waiting on me.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I walked to his car.

"Aw shit Ms. B really called Malcolm?" Reggie looked at me.

"Yes bitch ass hoe!" I spat.

"Damn that mean she called my momma too! Fuck bruh!" Reggie shouted before walking off.

I got to the car and opened the door.

"Wassup? Why you picking me up?" I asked playing dumb.

"Don't worry bout it. Just get in and let's go." He replied calmly, staring straight ahead.

Fuck bruh!

I got in and put my seatbelt on and he peeled out of the parking lot going in the opposite direction of home.

I was panicking because I had no clue as to why Malcolm was so calm and more importantly I had no clue where we were going.

"Malcolm?" I looked over to him.

He was silent. And kept his eyes straight ahead.

At this point I knew whatever Ms. Blackwell told him was enough to send me to my grave cause he would have yelled by now.

I just wanted to tuck and roll out the car but this ain't no action movie.

My heart was racing as we got further and further away from home. I had no clue where he was taking me.

I just played with my fingers and prayed silently in my head that this man didn't ship my ass off somewhere.

A hour later we had stopped driving and were in the parking lot of a cemetery.

"Malcolm what is this?" I frowned looking around.

"Get out the car, Kaiser." He stated bluntly as he got out.

I got out slowly as he met me by my side of the car.

He grabbed me by my arm and started walking.

"Where are we going?!" I hissed as he squeezed my arm.

He didn't speak he just kept walking.

Before I knew it we stopped and he let my arm go roughly.

I looked around and my eyes landed on two tomb stones right next to each other.

Geneva Brown
Loving mother & wife

James Brown
Dedicated father & husband

"What the fuck Malcolm why did you bring me here?!" I yelled hot tears welling up in my eyes.

"It's like you don't get it Kaiser! I'm done talking to you! I'm done begging you! I'm done babying you! I'm done! If you don't take it from me maybe you'll take it from them!" He pointed at the grave stones.

"What the fuck?! All because a teacher called and said I did something! Just because she said it doesn't make it fucking law!" I cried.

"Kaiser don't even try that lying shit with me! I know you did because you act like that at home! I can't get through to you so maybe this will!" He hissed getting in my face.

"I'm not fucking lying! I'm telling the truth! Why don't you ever just give me the benefit of the doubt! I fuck up a couple times and you never let me forget that shit!" I wiped my tears away.

"A couple times?! Your last fuck up got DCF showing up to my house! I gave you the benefit of the doubt for a month and a half and you was skipping school the whole time! I don't trust you! I can't trust you!" He got in my face.

His words hit me. That hurt.

"Fuck you Malcolm!" I screamed pushing him away from me.

He looked taken aback and then his face turned to stone.

Before he could say anything I turned around and started walking away.

"Kaiser! Get back here!" He yelled after me.

I just kept walking as fast as I could.

I cried and walked for about an hour. It got dark and I had so many missed calls from Malcolm.

It was bad enough that he took me to my parents grave site which I haven't been to since their funeral. But it was even worse to hear that he didn't trust me and he was basically giving up on me. And it was all based off a lie.

It was just my luck that it started raining so I had to find shelter inside of a pay phone booth. I locked myself inside and tried to check the time but my phone was dead.

"Fuck!" I shouted.

I took a couple deep breaths and dug inside my pockets to find a quarter. Luckily, I found one.

"Please pick up!" I prayed.

He answered within the first couple of rings.

"Who dis?" King answered roughly.

"It's me. I need you to come get me." I spoke softly.

My voice was cracking due to all the crying.

"Kai?! Man what the fuck Malcolm worried sick bout you! He got every nigga on the block out looking for you!" He hissed.

"Listen if you wanna yell and all that other bullshit do it after you come pick me up. You don't even know the whole story and you already yelling and shouting. I'm not in the mood for any of it tonight." I sighed.

"Fine. Where you at?"

"East Brendleton. I'm inside a pay phone cause it's raining."

"I'm on my way just sit tight."

I hung up the phone and sank to the floor.

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