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Me and Reggie had the same home room. So he had to walk with me cause I had completely forgot where the hell I was going.

"Imagine not going to school for so long you forgot where the fuck yo home room at." Reggie chuckled putting his arm around me.

"Imagine shutting the fuck up and getting us to class on time or Kai is gonna beat my ass." I mocked.

"Ok damn no need to threaten my life." Reggie mushed my head.

We got to home room and people was staring mad hard.

"Alright y'all know the drill when I say ya name say here loud and clear and raise ya hand so I can get a good look at you." The teacher rolled in as the final bell rang.

"Samaya Alexander? Present. Gerald Benson? Present. Kaiser Brown? I already know she absent." The teacher called out names.

"Uhm I'm actually here!" I mugged the hell out of her.

"Oh Christmas must have came early! So gracious of you to bless us with your presence again. How long will you be with us this time?" She questioned a fake smile on her face.

I just rolled my eyes and kept quiet.

"And you know that is not dress code. You gon have to go get a violation." She started writing me a pass.

"I fucking hate it here." I mumbled getting up to get the pass.

"I'on know why y'all dress like we ain't got rules here. Now you gotta get up and walk all the way down to the office and get a violation and possibly get a new shirt and shorts from the dusty P.E. storage closet." She lectured as I walked out to go to the office.

I walked to the office which is something I remember cause I spent all the time I was in school there.

"What you need baby?" The office lady asked once I got there.

"My teacher sent me to get a dress code violation." I huffed.

"Alright just take this sticker and stick it on you somewhere it's visible so you don't gotta be coming back and forth up here. The machine down so this yo free violation. But if you get three in a quarter it will be one week of RSL. And every violation after that in the same quarter will result in an after school detention." She explained.

I nodded and just stuck the sticker on my flannel.

"Alright baby you can go back to class." She nodded.

I stalked back to class and knocked on the door.

The teacher let me in after verifying my dress code sticker.

"Ok gon back to yo seat." She let me inside.

I plopped down and Reggie was fighting laughter.

"I'm surprised you ain't cuss nobody out by now." He smirked.

"Oh fucking trust me I want to. I'm ready to crawl out the bathroom window and book it home like I used to do. But I made a promise to Malcolm that imma be on my best behavior." I gritted.

Home room ended a couple minutes later and we headed to first period. The attendance was pretty much similar to home room. The teacher shocked I was there.

"You missed a lot of work Ms. Brown. Do you know when you'll have that turned in?"

"Uh yeah I actually got some stuff to turn in." I got up and passed him all my work.

"Good. I'll get most of this graded by the end of the day. I need the rest of your work in two weeks before the end of the quarter." He continued.

How the fuck am I gonna get a month's work done in two weeks.

After two more periods it was lunch time and I was honestly ready to go the fuck home.

Some teachers didn't really notice I was gone. But others gave me a hard time. But I didn't let it phase me as much as I wanted to cuss them all out.

"What we eating sis?" Hakeem sat next to me at the lunch table.

We usually left campus for lunch but it was tater tot day and the guys wanted to stay.

"Not shit from this fuck ass school." I rolled my eyes.

"Damn who got you all meaner than usual and shit." Hakeem put his hands up in surrender.

"These fuck ass students and these fuck ass teachers. I swear to God imma lose my shit by the end of the fucking day." I spazzed.

"Ok ok. Let's get you something to drink and some tater tots and we'll figure it out." Hakeem put his hand on my shoulder.

We got in line with Alec, Reggie, and Syrus.

"So y'all just gon skip the line like that?" Syrus made room for us.

"Fuck them kids." I grabbed a tray and made my way through.

Lunch was a chicken sandwich, tater tots, sliced apples, and milk. Who the hell drinks milk with any meal?

We got our food and sat back at the table.

"I'm actually proud of you for sticking round Kai. You usually be done slipped out the bathroom window by now." Reggie chuckled.

"Oh trust me I want to! I really do! But. I also wanna graduate." I popped a tater tot in my mouth.

They weren't bad.

"Look at her tryna better herself." Hakeem cooed attempting to steal one of my tater tots.

"Keem I will stab you with this plastic ass fork and make sure it break skin." I snapped my attention on him.

"Sheesh." He shook his head.

We finished our lunch and left the cafeteria to roam the halls.

"Y'all sliding to Ebony party this weekend?" Reggie asked.

"Fuck her! She stole from Syrus wit her lil ugly ass friends." I mushed his head.

"And he got the majority of his money back! We going or not?" Hakeem interjected.

"I'on know. I gotta ask Malcolm." I sighed.

"Since when?" Syrus frowned.

"Since he yelled at me and told me to get my shit together. Since all my work I missed is due in two weeks. Since I'm actually tryna walk the stage with y'all." I rambled.

"Alright we get it!" Syrus shouted.

"Chill out. If Malcolm say you can't go we'll stop by after the party to check in on you and make sure you straight. Don't worry Kai, you can do this." Alec reassured me.

"Awww look at him making sure baby Kai ok. We can't have the baby all upset." Reggie joked pinching my cheek.

"Reggie I will bite yo shits off like carrots if you pinch my cheek again." I smacked his hand away from my face.

The bell rang and we had to go to class.

Just one more class to go and I can go home.

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