•Thirty Six•

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"Huh?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"Are you and King fucking around behind my back?" He asked again with more base in his voice.

"Me and King?" I laughed.

"Kai don't fucking laugh this shit can get real hectic. Tell me the truth." He gritted.

"Yo what kinda medication they got you on? You sure you alright?" I stood up touching his forehead.

"Stop bro! You still ain't answer my question." He tossed my hand away.

"First of all King is like a second brother to me so the fact that your even getting tight about this lil idea you got in your head is really killing me right now. Secondly he's too old for me. Who the fuck got you thinking like this anyway?" I sat back in the chair.

"I met wit Sko and he played this recording of Reggie talking bout how you and King been kissing and doing all this other shit and then it got me to thinking about how y'all been all close and shit lately." He explained.

"So because it came out of Sko and Reggie mouth that make it true?" I mugged him.

"I'm just putting two and two together to get four." He replied.

"Nah, your putting two and two together to get twenty-two. My nigga Reggie would've said anything to get in with Sko. And Sko gonna say anything to get in yo head. And that shit working right now G. I could go for anybody in the world and you sitting here thinking I'mma slide on King is you shitting me?" I exclaimed.

He stared at me for a minute.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I looked him up and down.

"Give me your phone." He stated simply.

I nearly fell out but I had to keep my composure.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Malcolm?!" I shouted.

"I'm as serious as a fucking heart attack." He sat up.

"Cool so fuck your lil sister who has your back no matter what let's just believe the words of two grimey opp ass niggas." I rolled my eyes.

"The way I see it is that you got something to hide and it gotta be that you and him is doing something." He shrugged.

"Ok cool. Now that I know you are ok I'm gonna go home and since you trust Sko so fucking much maybe he can come and make sure you not alone in this fuck ass hospital." I headed for the door.

"You the main one talking bout trust but I gotta damn near break yo neck to get you to tell me anything meanwhile King just ask and you tell him what he wanna know." He folded his arms.

"So you think I don't trust you?" I turned to him.

"Seems like it." He shrugged.

I walked over and sat back down in the chair.

"What happened to Mom and Dad?" I asked him.

"What does that have to do with anything right now?" He frowned.

"Ever since they died, every time I ask you, you have never answered my question. Any question that has to do with them you've ignored me. You never talk about them and you ignore me when I do. So I'm asking you, what happened to Mom and Dad?" I asked again.

He was silent.

"And then you turn around and ask why I can't trust you." I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you wanna know so damn bad, Kai?" He spat.

"Because I grew up for more than half my life without parents! At least you got the whole experience! So are you gonna tell me or not?!" I yelled.

"Fine. I was repping the blue six eight's at that time. I had just got in the game and they didn't know. The leader at the time, Cisco wanted me to kill somebody to prove my loyalty. I couldn't chose a target in time so he chose for me. He chose Dad. Cisco wanted me to kill our Dad to prove I was loyal to the gang. Of course I wasn't gonna do it so I told him I wanted out. He took it cool at first but-" He began but once he got to that part he took a pause and his eyes were glossy.

"It's ok take your time." I took his hand in mine.

"I came home from school that day and found them both dead. I called the cops thinking that shit was gonna fucking help sumn. They took me in and asked me what I knew. I ain't talk cause I knew Cisco would pick my ass off. After that they had me wait for a social worker but I already had homies in and out the system so I knew how that shit worked. I ran and picked you up from that lil spot you used to go to after school and it's been us ever since. I killed our parents, Kai." He cried.

This was the first time in my life I had ever seen Malcolm cry. I just hugged him as he cried into my shirt and then I pulled away.

"Listen to me, it was not your fault. None of it was your fault, you hear me? You were just a kid who didn't know what you were getting into. What happened after?" I asked.

"I explained my situation to Junior and he asked me if I wanted in. I joined and to prove my loyalty he had me kill Cisco. It was hard to do since I was only sixteen back then, but the thing is Junior didn't want me in a gang. That's why we don't recruit lil ass niggas like Reggie. But I did that shit. And I been in ever since." He continued.

"I'm so sorry, Malc." I cried hugging him.

"I never told you because I didn't want you thinking it was my fault." He sniffled.

"It's not and I don't think that. It was always hard for me to open up to you because I just don't know how to explain everything to you sometimes." I confessed.

"I understand. I'm sorry for bringing up all this bullshit about you and King. I know y'all would never cross that line." He apologized.

"Exactly. Now I'm gonna go and get you some ice and you stop living in your head." I stood from my chair.

"Thanks lil sis." He grinned wiping his eyes.

I walked out of the room and went towards the elevator.

I need to talk to King right now.

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