•Thirty Nine•

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*3 Weeks Later*

Today Malcolm was getting out of the hospital and we were going back home. He was partially healed and now just had to rest and let his body do its magic.

Me and King wanted to tell him later on tonight but we weren't sure how he was gonna take it. But I feel like as long as we explain to him how all this happened, he shouldn't be too mad.

"You ready to go yet?" King came in the room while I was getting dressed.

"You ready to go yet?" King came in the room while I was getting dressed

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"Pass me my shoes." I held out my hand as I put my shorts on.

He handed me my shoes and I sat on the bed and put one on.

"Can you put on my other shoe?" I asked in a cutesy voice.

"You lucky I love you." He shook his head bending down.

I just paused because this was the first time he had ever mentioned love and me in the same sentence.

"You love me?" I questioned smiling at him.

"Does that scare you?" He asked not looking at me tying my shoe.

I waited until he was about to get up and I caught his face in my hands and looked him in the eye.

"No. I love you too." I grinned kissing him.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"Let's go before we never leave this room." He smirked pulling me up off the bed.

We left the hotel and headed toward the hospital.

We were in Malcolm's room helping him pack up and honestly I just couldn't get King out of my head. The fact that I said I love you to him just made me feel like what we have is even more real which can sound dumb or mad corny but I've never gotten this far in a relationship, so the fact that we've made it to this point is saying something.

"You got everything?" I asked Malcolm as he zipped his duffel bag closed.

"Yeah go head and carry that for me." He put the duffel bag on my shoulder.

"I mean if you ask nicely." I joked.

We left the room and went to the front desk so Malcolm could sign his discharge papers.

"Alrighty your all set. Just make sure you fill this prescription for your pain medication and get lots and lots of rest. In a month you'll have to go back to your home doctor for check ups on your wound." The doctor instructed.

"I got you doc." Malcolm nodded.

He handed Malcolm the prescription and we walked out of the hospital.

"Who driving?" Malcolm asked.

"You nigga ain't none wrong wit yo arms or legs." King put the car keys in his hands and pushed him toward the car.

"Y'all lucky I wanna get my ass back home or I'd crash this bitch on purpose." Malcolm mugged King.

I got in the backseat while King rode in the passenger seat.

"So how y'all two been getting along since I been gone?" Malcolm questioned driving toward the airport.

"I see why you be getting on her ass. She hard headed as fuck." King shook his head.

"First of all we got along just fine as long as King did everything I asked him to." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"And everything she wanted me to do was either wrong as hell or against my better judgement." King replied.

"Which is why we butt heads all the time." Malcolm chimed in.

"Both of y'all can shut up cause you know y'all love me flaws and all. The next person to say otherwise could get the fuck out the car and buck up bout it." I flicked both of them in the neck.

"Aggressive ass." Malcolm flinched away from me.

We pulled up to the airport and drove to the gate where the private plane was waiting for us. I was so glad to be going 

"You glad to be going home?" I asked Malcolm as I put my arm around his waist once we started walking to the plane.

"I mean I guess. But it's right back to work after I rest up for these couple of weeks." 

"Mhm. You better not get shot again or else I'll be the one holding the gun next time." I mushed his head.

We got on the plane and took our seats. Each of us had our own row to ourselves on the plane, so we wouldn't bother each other.

I had a lot on my mind on the way back home. The fact that Iaja had told me she talked to Alec made me want to reach out to him. But then again this could all be a trick. It would be nice to think that Alec wasn't part of this considering he was my best friend since middle school before we even met Reggie, Syrus, and Hakeem. People always thought me and him would end up together but it just never happened. But once I got back home, I think I could manage to talk to him and see what was up.

As for me and King I feel like once we told Malcolm the truth we'd be unstoppable. I'm not saying he could be the one but what I am saying is that it would be nice if he was.

I should ask the universe for a sign.

"Give me a sign?" I whispered to myself as the plane took off.

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