•Fifty Six•

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We had finally pulled up to the trap closest to our house in Sterling. Seeing the neighborhood again made me feel like I was back home from a long terrible ass vacation. 

"Iaja's here." King pointed to a van pulling up behind us.

I got out and as soon as she saw me, she hopped out.

"Oh my God! They finally let you out!" She shrieked pulling me into a hug.

"I know! Thought they was never gone let me out." I shook my head.

"But you know it was Free Kai until it was backwards so we was gon get you out regardless." She giggled.

"Alright, meeting time ladies!" Malcolm walked up behind us and steered us both towards the front door.

"Damn! Can't even catch up wit the homie!" I brushed his hand off jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's plenty of time to catch up as soon as the meeting over. Plus we gotta set up for this fake ass party." Malcolm shook his head.

"Who said anything about the party being fake?" I smirked making Iaja laugh.

Before he could say anything it was already time for the meeting to start.

"Afternoon everybody." I spoke to the whole room.

It was a conference room with two chairs at the head of the table and almost thirty chairs on both sides of the table.

"Afternoon!" Everybody answered me back.

"Alright let's get this out quick and simple. Tonight we're taking our city back. Sterling is coming back to where it belongs. I need each of you to go around and pass out all these party flyers Iaja printed out. Make sure the blue six eight's catch wind but not too much. Jazlyn, Yazmeen, and Dejonae are our main targets. I need eyes on them at all times. In the middle of the party we extract them and hold them at the school and wait until Sko loses his mind just enough to start slipping up. The second we catch him lacking, we're going in. Understand?" 

"We got you!" They agreed.

"Cool. Meeting ajourned as soon as you have all the fliers passed out, come back to the house so we can set up for this party". I stood up.

After I was done talking Junior took over the meeting for the plan after the party. Me and Iaja weren't allowed in the room while he spoke, which I didn't care considering I just wanted my old life back.

"You think this party idea gon work?" Iaja asked.

"One thing I know about Jazlyn, Yazmeen, and Dejonae they never miss a party. Always on every scene tryna be seen. They'll definitely show up and get exactly what they looking for." I reassured her.

After Junior's meeting was done, Malcolm and King came out.

"Y'all ready to go?" Malcolm asked swinging his keys around his finger.

"Yep let's ride." I stood up and headed for the door.


We pulled up to the house and I couldn't help but admire how the house had looked even with us being gone. It didn't look abandoned. It looked like we had never left. Malcolm got my bags and walked up to the house.

"We back." Malcolm held his hand out.

"We back." I agreed clapping him up.

Once we went inside, I damn near broke my neck trying to get up to my room. I hadn't seen my bed in so long. I hadn't seen my room in what seemed like years.

I opened the door and my room was exactly the way it was before the shooting. It gave me deja vu. 

"You alright?" Iaja questioned leaning on the open door frame.

"Yeah. Just a little shocked at how everything is the way I left it. It's like I never went anywhere." I sighed.

"Just think about it like this, after tonight everything's gonna go back to normal." Iaja put her hand on my shoulder.

I looked over at a picture of me, Reggie, Syrus, Hakeem, and Alec. 

"If you still feel like you want closure from them, invite them to the party. There ain't shit they can do in a house full of people. Plus, Malcolm and King will be here. Nothing can happen." She continued.

"I'll make sure they get here. I'm gonna take a nap until it's time to get ready. Wake me up?" I got under the covers and laid down.

"I got you." She gave me a quick hug and then left the room.

She left the room and I started falling asleep.


I woke up to Iaja shaking me awake a couple hours later. 

"What time is it?" I questioned rubbing my eyes.

"Six. The party is all set up so we're really just chilling downstairs. Junior's people did a bomb ass job of making this shit look like a legit party." 

"Cool. Alright I'm gonna get dressed. Gotta get this shit back in blood and look cute at the same time." I joked.

I showered, did my hair, and got dressed and it only took me an hour. My new personal record.

But I added a personal touch to my outfit. I took Malcolm's Red nines flag and tied it to my belt loop.

"Kai are you ready? Bitch, are you repping reds?" Iaja looked amused while playing with the flag

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"Kai are you ready? Bitch, are you repping reds?" Iaja looked amused while playing with the flag.

"Of course. Gotta show these hoes how to cross a bitch the right way. Let's go and get this show on the road." I put my shades on and walked out the room.

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