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First period was pretty cool, I usually just vibe in the back of the class with Reggie. But today everybody was in my business wondering why I was all dressed up.

"I heard she got a man, he don't go here tho"

"I heard her brother got some money and he be dropping bread on her, that's why she all dressed up now"

"Girl bye she probably got some dick and now she don't know how to act"

"Ok but she mean as fuck so who would pipe?"

"Y'all know I got ears to fucking hear y'all right?" I said loud enough for everybody to hear.

"Kai man don't play into they shit they bored and need something to talk about." Reggie waved it off.

"Well they betta find sumn else to talk about fo I start acting outta pocket." I rolled my eyes.

"Kaiser please stop disrupting my class!" Ms. Blackwell yelled as she wrote on the board.

"Ok but when everybody was talking and dragging my name that wasn't disrupting the class but when I defend myself all of a sudden class is disrupted?" I frowned.

"Maybe if we kept our personal lives to ourselves, there would be nothing to talk about or speculate." She turned around with her hand on her hip.

"Miss nobody in this class can name one person I dated, slept wit, or talked too. I wanna dress nice and look good and now I'm getting this and sleeping wit that and I talk to this person. Meanwhile I don't do shit but go home and go to school." I defended.

"Kaiser, please. I have a class to teach and don't have time for it today. I need everyone to focus because we are having a test next class which is closed notes." Ms. Blackwell turned back to the board.

"You saying you don't have time for it today but I literally do nothing in this class. People fuck wit me and you let it slide but the minute I come out my mouth to them, I get in trouble. That's exactly what I'm talking bout. Little ole me is stopping this class when class ain't even start yet. I swear people need to learn how to just leave me alone." I continued.

"Do you want to go to the office Ms. Brown?" Ms. Blackwell turned to me.

"If you wanna send me then send me cause you making nothing into something. I'm not finna sit here and let a whole class including you tear me down and I'm sitting here not saying shit for myself. I'mma speak up for myself even if nobody else don't every time. So you tell me am I going to the office or not?" I stood up gathering my stuff.

She stared me down for a minute then turned back to the board.

"Sit down Ms. Brown." She finally shook her head.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"I told y'all stop speaking on her." Reggie cackled.

"Kai I will be calling your brother after school if you keep talking in my class!" Ms. Blackwell turned around again.

"Bro I didn't say nothing! That was literally Reggie!" I shouted.

Reggie sat beside me laughing.

"Reggie you better tell her that was you or I'mma beat the fuck out chu!" I hissed.

"My bad Ms. B that was me. Kai ain't say nothing." Reggie confessed through laughter.

"You all gonna learn to respect my classroom! Now, I don't wanna hear another peep out the two of you or I'm calling home! Understand?" Ms. Blackwell yelled.

"Yes ma'am" Reggie stopped laughing.

I just sat there and ain't say anything.

"Kai am I talking to myself?" She started walking over to me.

"You literally just said you don't wanna hear a peep out of me. I ain't peeping!" I folded my arms as Reggie started laughing harder.

"I'm calling home after class!" She went over and wrote a note to herself.

I personally didn't care so I shrugged my shoulders.

"If that's what you wanna do then go head and do you sis, I'm not bout to beg you to not call my brother. You been wanted to call him from jump. If you want me to get in trouble just say that. Don't waste all our time going back and forth wit me if all you really want is to see me down bad. Cause to be honest I don't care bout none of this shit!" I shouted getting mad.

Reggie was still beside me turning red from laughter.

"Reggie and Kai go stand in the hallway since the both of you can't seem to keep it together today." Ms. Blackwell snapped.

I just picked up my stuff and left class with Reggie behind me.

"Ayo Kai you too funny bruh." Reggie held his stomach.

"Nah bro fuck her. Like she wanna see me lose so fucking bad!" I rolled my eyes texting Malcolm to let him know what happened.

"Damn but where you tryna go?" Reggie asked.

"Let's go to the library fuck her and her class." I walked away from her door.

We headed to the library and just sat there cracking jokes until first period was over.

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