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I got home and got really bored. I knew the group chat was popping off cause my phone wouldn't stop going off. But that was the last thing on my mind. I needed to start doing work for school cause I knew it was gonna be hell once I got back.

I actually liked school. But it was the students, teachers, food, and start time that got me fucked up. But I guess I would have to suffer through for Malcolm. Most times I just daydreamed and slept in class. But I guess now I would have to actually pay attention and get "decent grades."

I pulled out the folder for all the work I missed and let me just say it was thick. But I couldn't blame nobody but myself. I put on some music and got to work.

After a couple hours of pushing out assignments and trying to catch up, I had gotten so tired. I had done almost a quarter of the work in the folder but at this point I was over it.

"Kai?!" Malcolm called out to me.

He had just gotten home.

"I'm in here!" I yelled.

He came in my room and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Are you doing actual homework?" He looked amazed.

"Yeah yeah yeah shut the hell up." I rolled my eyes.

"Shit I outta yell at yo ass more often." He chuckled handing me a bag from Chic Fil A and a lemonade.

"Nigga I will break yo jaw." I started drinking my lemonade.

"Mhm yeah whatever. Keep doing what you doing don't let me stop you." He left the room and closed the door.

I ate my food and finished the lemonade. Papers and books were scattered all over my room so I cleaned up everything. I showered and got back in my bed.

Here's to the new Kaiser.

The next morning I woke up before Malcolm had to come and wake me. I was really trying to change my ways when it came to school.

"Kai get-! Oh shit you up." Malcolm came in my room as I was picking out clothes.

"Yep. I told you, I'm not gonna disappoint you. I guess I might as well get my shit together and figure out what I wanna do before I graduate." I sighed shuffling through the clothes in my closet.

"See. I knew it was a smart girl under there. But Miss Juanita is coming in ten so you might wanna hurry up." He flicked my neck and left the room.

I took a quick shower and got dressed.

I took my braids out of the bun and did two little space buns and two braids at the front

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I took my braids out of the bun and did two little space buns and two braids at the front. My edges were still intact so I just left them alone.

"Miss Juanita outside!" Malcolm shouted.

"Ok ok damn. Bye brother." I flipped him the bird and walked outside with my headphones in.

As soon as the door closed behind me, Miss Juanita would not stop talking about my outfit and how girls my age need to respect our bodies more and show a little less of our "goodies". I wanted nothing more than to tell her to shut the fuck up and mind her business but it seems like she's been in Malcolm's ear lately so I just decided to keep my mouth shut.

We pulled up to the school and Alec and Syrus were standing outside.

"Thanks Miss Juanita." I sighed getting out.

"Mhm." She replied driving off.

"Day two of Kai showing up to school? Will she actually stay on campus this time? Did Malcolm whoop her ass? Was the ass whooping the cause of her being here? Stay tuned as she answers all our questions." Alec teased pulling me into a hug.

"Shut up! I didn't get my ass whooped he just yelled at me and told me to get my shit together so here I am." I rolled my eyes.

"Good! Cause I would hate to have to walk across that stage without you!" He punched me in the arm.

"Keep trying me Alec I will push you in front of moving traffic." I warned.

I noticed Syrus was mighty quiet this morning.

"What's wrong with you?" I frowned turning to him.

He usually couldn't wait to clown me after I got in trouble with Malc.

"Nothing." He shoved his hands in his pocket and looked down at the ground.

"Oh I'll tell you! Remember how he went wit Ebony, Essence, and Erica yesterday? Well they gave him dirt weed and got him drunk and then they stole his wallet and withdrew five hundos from his bank account. Now his Pops mad at him." Alec cracked up.

I didn't find that shit funny at all. Yeah Syrus get on my last nerves but shit if that happened to me I know he would go to war for me.

"Where the fuck they at?" I threw my bag at Alec.

"Over there talking to Keem and Reggie." Syrus shoved his head in the direction.

I turned on my heel and walked over to them.

"I heard y'all gon make it to the play offs." Ebony purred.

"Ayo!" I walked up on them.

The three of them turned around and looked me up and down.

"Hey, Kaiser what's up?" Essence smiled fakely.

"Don't wassup me! I heard what the fuck y'all did to Syrus! You broke bitches wack as fuck for that! And I want his fucking money back!" I shouted.

"Girl bye that boy gon be alright. Plus that money gone and spent." Erica threw her stuff ass wig over her shoulder with a smug smirk on her face.

"Oh word? Ok I'll have my brother Malcolm come and snatch yo brother up! He work for Junior too right? Slinging dime bags on 3rd street? I could've sworn that was a no sell zone, it'd be a shame if somebody was to tell Malcolm one of his runners selling in high police activity?" I grinned.

They looked at each other then back at me.

"Give me the money or I'm making the fucking call." I held out my hand.

They each went into their purses and handed me hundred dollar bills.

"Y'all slow or y'all can't count? This only three hundred." I spat.

"We really did spend the rest." Ebony rolled her eyes.

"Syrus better get the rest of his money by Friday or yo brother getting picked up. Don't make me have to track y'all down." I warned.

I turned around just as the first bell rang for homeroom. I made it to Syrus and put the money in his hand.

"They gon get you the rest by Friday." I took my bag from Alec.

"Yo! Kai you a real ass nigga!" Syrus hugged me as we went inside the school.

"As long as you know." I giggled.

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